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AxlisOld last won the day on December 23 2015

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About AxlisOld

  • Birthday 07/06/1985

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  • Location
    Pacific NW - Trees Rock!
  • Interests
    Booze, playing guitar. Playing guitar whilst boozing (multi-tasking)

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  1. Yes. Praising one that has been built up to mythical status over the years. That sucks dong.
  2. What makes me say it's terrible or what makes me say people think it's better. I'd use Occam's razor for both. People are saying it's better than they thought it would be, and the song blow goats harder than Noah Vanderhoff.
  3. People think The General is BETTER than they expected? Fucking Christ it's terrible.
  4. Miser has been banned like 50 times. That's not an exaggeration. He could be here now. It's quite the mystery.
  5. Not sure how it's officially classified but if I had to guess I'd say, more rapey. Probably.
  6. I may or may not have some shifts where I get to time attack Double Dragon.
  7. Nah, they gave him credit for the madness. Just gave too much credit on whether he was a batshit minor grooming weirdo before or just turned in that thread.
  8. That wasn't for me, that was for America
  9. Here's the key. The flu kills people every year as well, but you don't have people getting tattoos to commemorate their flu shot, or more importantly, losing their fucking minds at those who don't believe they need to get a flu shot.
  10. How about when the disease is no longer severe? I've known a few people who had OG COVID, and yes, they said it was absolute hell. We're now to the common cold strain.
  11. Yes. There's no way to prove either way, because vaccinated people still die, and unvaccinated people still have mild illness.
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