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Everything posted by gnfnrs1972

  1. It has been a joke used by lots of forum members for almost 2 decades. I got another one though.....Axls_dick_in your mouth rules.
  2. I've given it quite some thought before answering this thread. But it's just to hard to rank 6 turds. They are all just a pile of $ hits.
  3. I wish someone would put Axl's voice over the studio music. Anyone..... Anyone
  4. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Axl Happy birthday to you. I sang it in my old lady Mickey Mouse voice, but it was in the correct key.
  5. It would be nice to have Axl sing on one track. I know it's extremely unlikely but other band members have guested haven't they?
  6. I forgot to mention Axl's biggest quirk! Singing like grandma Mickey.
  7. For some reason Axl likes walking backwards alot during performances. Also he seems more clumsy than most front men because he has fallen quite often over his career.
  8. I take every track I can get. I like some and some not so much. But they are all interesting to me. Changing away from the iconic voice is what gets me.....in the studio. He's a mess live so I care nothing about hearing his cringe worthy live performance. He's like the Forrest Gump of rock n roll now, where good shit happens for him even if he has no brain.
  9. Is the general on YouTube with the long orchestra intro fan made or some other leak?
  10. Release Release Release So we can have Complaints Complaints Complaints
  11. 🥱 Waiting for the next leak. These songs are old now. Just kidding I like both of them.
  12. It still isn't as bad as Axl singing Grandma Mickey style in a yellow raincoat. I guess they didn't know his email address.
  13. I'd love to see Axl eat Da Bomb. Maybe Scooby Doo can interview him while they sample pies.
  14. I would like to thank Fernando Chavez for sharing the goodies, whoever you may be.😁
  15. Has anyone ever seen Throw Mamma from the Train? If you have you know what I'm saying 😁
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