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Are we taking racism way too far?


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Right. Trigger for this post is:


Basically How I Met Your Mother ran an episode where Marshal wanted to learn an ancient art of slapping someone. The actors who play Robin, Lily and Ted all appeared dressed up as a "kung-fu" masters (asians) who teach Marshal this ancient slapping art. Now, apparently, a lot of people on the internet got very angry about this because they feel it's very racist and horrible and the makers of the show should be executed.

I'm sorry but....what the flying fuck? I've often thought that people get incredibly oversensitive over issues like discrimination. I know it's easy for me to say this because I'm a white heterosexual male. But I still think people cry wolf WAY too soon these days and this is a great example. Yes, I'm very much against racism and discrimination. And I also believe that it's still very much an issue sometimes. But I also feel people are forgetting how to be sensible. We all need to be able to laugh about each other and ourselves. Stereotypes are hilarious. Hell, these days (black) comedians are hilarious when they make a parody of a stereotypical black woman. Or a flamboyant gay guy. Or trailer trash white folk. I love Dave Chappelle's sketch "The <n-word> Family". Cracks me up. As long as it's all in good fun, it's cool. Humour helps make things okay to talk about. It takes away taboo and negative impact. I like that. And that's why I can't for the life of me understand why people would get upset over this How I Met Your Mother episode. It's not racist. It's hilarious. And I feel that your life has to be very empty and unhappy if you are able to get your panties in a twist over things like this.

There's a shot of Asian Kung-Fu master Robin on 0:20 of this promo:


So, central question, do we cry racism or discrimination way too early these days? Have we lost the ability to just laugh about ourselves?

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I think maybe as in there's no ill intent, someone has to be awesome at slapping bitches. This show chose Asians. It's more of an honor than anything. There needs to be a negative connotation for it be racist?

The slap was intended for Barney. He hardly counts as "bitches".

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Guest Len B'stard

Personally i think sentiment is in a persons heart and you can never know whether someones racist or not, you can never tell when someones telling you their feelings about anything truthfully, period. And because of that it shouldn't be a central preoccupation, it's kinda like wondering what happens after you die, you're never gonna know so why worry about it, you just gotta take people on their word should you care at all and judge people by their actions.

Personally though, racist words, depiction of racism, who gives a fuck? Really, they're just words and i really couldn't give a shit if i hear hooray for tolerance! or paki or chink or slope or yid or heeb or whatever on the TV or whatever. We're free right, I mean, words are a means of communicating, you ban words and you are effectively limiting the aspect of the human experience that separates us from the animal kingdom, the ability to communicate as we do.

BUT...this is the real world and people have feelings so, although you are free to use whatever words you want along with that comes a responsibility and a commitment and if you say some shit that offends people and you are aware of it's ability to offend and use it anyway don't complain later when someone comes along and gives you a smack in the eye cuz thats the way the world is, reality is not governed by reason.

The Kung Fu thing, see, to someone over here Kung Fu is just a clever way to kick the shit out of people but to many people in that part of the world it's tied in with their culture and heritage and even religion, it is a central part of their identity and when people feel that, on a given cultural landscape, there is a slant more towards the piss-taking aspect of their depiction and a negligence in creating and putting across a balanced account of a peoples and their identity and culture often that annoys people.

It's not even always the instance in question that is the entire cause of it, it's just emblematic of a certain climate and it kinda becomes the whipping boy of the issue, when often it's not so bad in the first place. So like, y'know, when you condense it down and go 'oh, well, that little comedy skit weren't ever so bad' you're kinda missing the point.

Edited by sugaraylen
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I think maybe as in there's no ill intent, someone has to be awesome at slapping bitches. This show chose Asians. It's more of an honor than anything. There needs to be a negative connotation for it be racist?

The slap was intended for Barney. He hardly counts as "bitches".

It's euphemism or metonymy? Or no. That guy needs a full glassine.
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Personally i think sentiment is in a persons heart and you can never know whether someones racist or not, you can never tell when someones telling you their feelings about anything truthfully, period. And because of that it shouldn't be a central preoccupation, it's kinda like wondering what happens after you die, you're never gonna know so why worry about it, you just gotta take people on their word should you care at all and judge people by their actions.

Personally though, racist words, depiction of racism, who gives a fuck? Really, they're just words and i really couldn't give a shit if i hear hooray for tolerance! or paki or chink or slope or yid or heeb or whatever on the TV or whatever. We're free right, I mean, words are a means of communicating, you ban words and you are effectively limiting the aspect of the human experience that separates us from the animal kingdom, the ability to communicate as we do.

BUT...this is the real world and people have feelings so, although you are free to use whatever words you want along with that comes a responsibility and a commitment and if you say some shit that offends people and you are aware of it's ability to offend and use it anyway don't complain later when someone comes along and gives you a smack in the eye cuz thats the way the world is, reality is not governed by reason.

The Kung Fu thing, see, to someone over here Kung Fu is just a clever way to kick the shit out of people but to many people in that part of the world it's tied in with their culture and heritage and even religion, it is a central part of their identity and when people feel that, on a given cultural landscape, there is a slant more towards the piss-taking aspect of their depiction and a negligence in creating and putting across a balanced account of a peoples and their identity and culture often that annoys people.

It's not even always the instance in question that is the entire cause of it, it's just emblematic of a certain climate and it kinda becomes the whipping boy of the issue, when often it's not so bad in the first place. So like, y'know, when you condense it down and go 'oh, well, that little comedy skit weren't ever so bad' you're kinda missing the point.

Really racist people are persistent though. They make a point of it. And then if challenged continue.

Whereas predijuce is kind of unconscious. Everyone is no matter how enlightened they think they are. I see 5 black guys coming down the street at 3am I cross the fuck over. If I see 5 white guys I start shouting abuse at them.

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I remember we had a black girl in high school and every maths class my mate and one or two chavs used to chuck the most vile racism her way, 'ju ju lips' etc. If you hear that thing it is not very pleasent. I would have probably slit my wrists if I was in her shoes. It is one of my regrets in life that I did not intervene - cowardness, peer pressure thing etc. By the way, that friend is a friend no longer.

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Guest Len B'stard

I don't think it's even race specific, some of the most hardcore racist hardnut lads in my school I later saw hanging around with like, certain dodgy asian lads i knew. You're spot on really, it's just a weak vs strong thing, not that that makes it any better or nullifies the negative consequences of racism.

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Kids are the cruelest creatures in this world. I used to be a teacher and it's amazing how mean they are to each other. Children are pathetic and ignorant being by nature and they are getting worse and worse with time. Thank God they're not ALL like that.

People who get offended and see racism in everything are annoying. It's not like the white people from the present should be blamed by the wrong-doings of the past generations. Slavery started among the Africans themselves.

Calling an american black person "african-american" doesn't make any sense and it's kinda offensive, they're just... "american".

I am a white heterosexual male, the only discrimination I've suffered is from being an atheist or jokes about being too white (funny that that's not considered racism). I don't mind it either way, I'm proud of my (lack of) color.

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Guest Len B'stard
People who get offended and see racism in everything are annoying. It's not like the white people from the present should be blamed by the wrong-doings of the past generations. Slavery started among the Africans themselves.

Oh well that makes it alright then :lol:

Calling an american black person "african-american" doesn't make any sense and it's kinda offensive, they're just... "american".

Can you not imagine how, at the time when this term was taken up, they might've felt a little less than...?
am a white heterosexual male, the only discrimination I've suffered is from being an atheist or jokes about being too white (funny that that's not considered racism).

Yes it is.

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