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The Assassin's Creed Unity Thread

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Alright, I know there's a sizable amount of AC players on here from discussions in the video game thread, so I thought I'd pounce on the opportunity to begin the standalone thread for the upcoming game.

Info we know so far:

Release: October 28th, 2014 (subject to change, as it often does with an AC release)

Main Character: Arno Dorian

Setting: Begins on the eve of the French Revolution, so I guess 1789... in Paris? Character was born in Versailles

Supported Systems: Windows, PS4, XB One

It's an AC game, so I'm really excited, I don't think any of them have been bad, though ACIII was IMO the weakest. But, IV might have been my favorite, so who knows what to expect.

I will be pre-ordering soon for PC, I forget which retailer offers it, but one of the pre-orders comes with a spear in-game, so I'll be going for that one. As far as game mechanics go, we know they have worked quite a bit on the parkour system, introducing something called "controlled descent" as well as harder combat (I like this, combat's been a joke since ACII basically, now it will flow nicely and not be easy), something called Stealh Mode, something called Eagle Pulse, and probably some minor tweaks as well. As usual, the co-op/multiplayer is being solidly promoted, but I played 3 minutes of multiplayer on AC:Brotherhood and never touched MP again with AC, so I don't pay much attention to that.

New cinematic trailer:

EDIT: YouTube embedding broken in the sub-forum?

Edited by OmarBradley
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I think it looks pretty badass, but I haven't looked too much into it since E3. Looks like it'll be pretty fun. Do we know anything else about the story yet?

Arno is said to make contact with the Assassins, so it doesn't look like he's born into an Assassin family. There will also be a major female character (who I guess is an Assassin, or becomes one) named Elise. Other than that, I don't know much. I remember hearing something about the outside of the Animus story, but don't remember what it was.

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ACIII was absolute guff, gameplay and story. It was a chore to get through it but I'd invested so much time in the series I wasn't going to quit. I liked the ending of Desmond's story. I wasn't going to get Black Flag and it was in a bundle with a PS4, and it really won me over. It was just fun. I'll definitely be getting this, one of my favourite things about ACII was seeing landmarks and such so I'm hoping for the same from Paris.

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ACIII was absolute guff, gameplay and story. It was a chore to get through it but I'd invested so much time in the series I wasn't going to quit. I liked the ending of Desmond's story. I wasn't going to get Black Flag and it was in a bundle with a PS4, and it really won me over. It was just fun. I'll definitely be getting this, one of my favourite things about ACII was seeing landmarks and such so I'm hoping for the same from Paris.

I thought gameplay was mostly OK, not terrible. Story was lacking for sure. Completely agree about the scenery, we haven't had a cool setting since Revelations. IV had some cool stuff, but nothing like the palaces of Constantinople or the giant structures in Florence.

I bought ACIII long time ago but got incredibly bored after the first 25 minutes. I haven't touched the game ever since. Should I give it another try? What other AC games would you guys recommend?

I always recommend playing all of them, and in order, but that's because I'm an AC purist. I suppose you could start out with IV if you really wanted to, they do a recap at the beginning of each game. You'll miss some important details for sure, but you'll still have fun.

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If you're going to skip any of them, skip III. It's just bland. They solved the problem of Altair being dull by bringing in Ezio, a thoroughly likeable character (though Altair is pretty cool by Revelations), and then they follow up Ezio with someone even more dull than Altair. It was ridiculous. Edward Kenway's fun though, he's no Ezio, but he's alright. The pirate hat and sea shanties helped.

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I heard it is a 1:1 reproduction of Paris, with 100s of NPC being able to be on screen at once, and roughly 1/4 of the buildings are enter-able in some form

That would be insanity and truly revolutionary. Hope its true

And the character was born in Versailles? That is pretty interesting!

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Preordered the bastile edition.

Will this AC have sea battles like Black Flag?

Don't know, I'd guess not?

Christ, there's another one out for 360/PS3 this year as well.

Yeah back when the AC info leaked a few months ago, word was there would be two. Looks like the second one has just been officially acknowledged, trailer looks cool.

I didn't enjoy AC II, will I enjoy any of the others? They look good, but I didn't enjoy playing them.

I'd say you should try Brotherhood, IMO it's a landmark game in the AC series in terms of gameplay (especially that battle system), I think the story is just as good as any other AC game.

I heard it is a 1:1 reproduction of Paris, with 100s of NPC being able to be on screen at once, and roughly 1/4 of the buildings are enter-able in some form

That would be insanity and truly revolutionary. Hope its true

And the character was born in Versailles? That is pretty interesting!

I haven't heard any of that (except the Versailles part), but that all sounds really cool. Could be true, I haven't done any in-depth research into the game, just what's on Wikipedia and official statements.

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Haven't paid much attention to the new ones coming out. Thought it was a bit weird/annoying they were having one come out for PS4/Xbone and one for previous generations. I can get both, but still...

Likely won't get to play either for awhile, but if they're anywhere as good as Black Flag, I look forward to playing them eventually.

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Haven't paid much attention to the new ones coming out. Thought it was a bit weird/annoying they were having one come out for PS4/Xbone and one for previous generations. I can get both, but still...

Likely won't get to play either for awhile, but if they're anywhere as good as Black Flag, I look forward to playing them eventually.

I'm good with the double release, if the games are good.... keep 'em coming.

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I feel like I'm the only one who absolutely loved AC3.

Sure, the game might be boring to those who expected the AC2 formula, but I loved it because of the story and the setting ( absolutely love American history ).

Can't wait for Unity as Paris is my favourite city in the world. Hope french dubbing won't suck for a change as I'd like to play this one in french.

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Movie's been pushed back to 2016, not a great sign, but production staff (including Fassbender) insist that it's still happening. Though tbh, when September rolled around and they hadn't started filming yet for their summer 2015 release date, I saw a delay coming. 2016 seems more reasonable.

One source reported a rumor that Robert Downey Jr. was in talks to play Leo DaVinci, doubt it's true, but he'd be perfect for that role I think.

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