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Do you like your job


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I tend to think that people who claim to love their jobs without reservations are one step away from joining a Nazi rally. :lol:

Naw man!

I love the work I do, I love the company I work for, I love the pay, and I love the actual output that my company does.

Like I said. Life is too short to spend 40 hours a week doing something you don't love!

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I have a love hate relationship with my job. Currently closer to hate. Depends on the amount of politics which is high right now. But other times it's more about getting things done, projects, problem solving. Then I love it. Many, many hours a week. Excellent pay. Could be a lot worse.

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Life is too short to work at a job you don't love.

Except all the jobs I would take don't pay enough for me to survive.

Bullshit advice and I am struggling with this right now.

How much money do you need to survive right now?

But yes, I suppose my advice should have been caveated with an age exception. At 20 or 21 years old, you can't expect to have your dream job and life. I'm in my 40s, and have built up my "career" and education/experience in such a way that I can now have my choice of dream jobs. But the day after high school graduation or the day after graduating from college, no, life isn't suddenly perfect. Nor is it easy.

You kind of screwed yourself by not getting a degree in a field that you enjoy. If you had liked your profession, you were flat out SET UP a couple months ago. Fresh out of college and you landed yourself a $50,000 per year job at 21 years old. If it was in a field you liked.......you'd be ahead of 99.5% of people your age.

But now what can you do? Pretty simple, really, especially if you are currently working as an apple picker. What would you love to do as a job? Work in a brewery? Work in athletics/football? Become a writer? (You seem to be a pretty skilled writer) Write about sports or beer? Then go work at one of those places. You'll have to start near the bottom. But that's what most your age do. They start at an entry level position and work their way up.

That's what I would do if I was you and in your situation. Make a list of my top five dream professions (realistically, you can't put play quarterback for the Packers). Then start applying for entry level jobs at companies that do what you want to do. You might even be able to start at higher pay or at higher level than entry positions because you do have a degree already.

You are young and physically healthy, you have a college degree, you are getting treatment for your depression issues (hopefully medication and therapy)..........the future is your oyster. You can accomplish almost anything and everything if you set your mind to it.

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I want to live on welfare.

I don't think you can use food stamps to buy beer.

So you get a menial minimum wage job and use that money for beer. Or tell your roommates that youll cover food if they cover booze.

You're not supposed to encourage him !

Edited by Patience 4 Axl
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I want to live on welfare.

I don't think you can use food stamps to buy beer.

So you get a menial minimum wage job and use that money for beer. Or tell your roommates that youll cover food if they cover booze.

You're not supposed to encourage him !

Oh...I mean hard work...and Jesus.
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I liked high school the best. I am good at being a mindless drone that follows directions.

I'd join the military but I am on Prozac and a mental health patient which is a DQ.

How bout an oil rig? The money's supposedly good, and it's very isolated (I'm assuming that's what you want). Might even give you an appreciation for society? :shrugs:

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Ah , well i have two jobs . Both part time...more recently i started working in a call center thing. I mean i call people trying to sell them packages related to internet , cable , mobiles ..all that kind of stuff. I hate it so much , cause i feel all the time like im bothering people lol wich is many times true ...especially during dinner time. Im always"im so sorry , i didnt mean to disturb your dinner" bla bla . Is just not really my thing to try and push people to buy something . I mean in my other job , the client goes inside the store because he is looking for something ....is not like i have to push him, try to force him to buy. Plus i feel like a machine , because im always saying the same thing over and over again , like a broken record . Blaaaaaah

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