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Duff's Loaded DVD edit (fake cheers)


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So, I am re-visiting my Duff's "SICK" album. There's a DVD in the box. And so I'm watching it. And there's this moment when Duff in 30;05 mark says "yo, we are filming this show for a DVD".


And a few people raise their hands and that's all the reaction he gets. But all of a sudden you hear these loud roars and claps. And check it out, like 'cept 5 people, nobody's clapping their hands. You  just see it. And then , all of a sudden, the camera goes into various from-the-show moments when people show devil horns from like, around the show, different parts of the show. As if they all went crazy but actually nobody did. So phony it hurts.


I'm not here to criticize and stirr the crap bikoz I really do enjoy the show and the records,  but at the same time I can't deny my IQ is somewhat above what people behind this DVD expected.


Does anybody have a bootleg copy of that show? Let's compare. It's 22 Sep 2008 Glasgow

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