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  1. we already are immune. you're mixing up two things here; you really are losing track of your own ramblings. there are two possible "goals" to reach: 1. eradicating the virus itself 2. reaching immunity to the virus the article you posted, and which I find nonsense, it talking about point number 1 ("the possibilities of eradicating the virus"). You know what eradicating means, yes? As for immunity, by this point, arguably, the vast majority of the population has earned some form of immunity against corona. You see this, in the casualty numbers. what, you still want everyone jabbed? go fuck yourself, lol.
  2. you can not eradicate covid, not even if every single person on earth was vaccinated, multiple times over each time the vaccines are administered, the virus has mutated hundreds of times the virus lives on in animals. Reportedly, that's where the virus came from in the first place. Are you going to capture and vaccinate all the wild animals too? Go on putting all your money on the experts and science. But in your arrogance, you simply can not accept that other people don't share your opinion. Yet, in your limitless arrogance, you want to force your opinion on the whole population, since you are right and everyone else is stupid. It's people like you that are the real virus. If only, there was a vaccine for people like you
  3. true, so stop acting arrogant, as if you know everything better, and stop calling people with different opinions 'morons'. it's way past the point of good taste, straight up. you have been allowed to post this insult countless of times, but it would have perhaps benefited you if you were put in your place for doing so. Since you weren't ever stopped in your insults, but have on the contrary been encouraged to do so, you have been allowed to reach the level of arrogance you display, day after day. Don't mistake the free pass you received from the mods, as a gift. It is a poisoned gift, it allowed you to become who you are. Each time I see your arrogance, I hope it will have been the last time and you'd come to your senses. It would fill me with peace and joy, to see the day where you'd offer an apology. That would truly be the end of corona. But until people like you continue in your arrogance, corona will never really be over. Because, rather than the virus itself, the real danger was entitled, misguided, ill informed and arrogant self proclaimed experts like yourself.
  4. in an insane world, where insane people lead the way, the sane appear as lunatics
  5. Yes, I have a physical archival folder full of them. covid jurisprudence, covid legislation, scientific papers, opiniated papers, countless of newspaper articles diabolizing those who put questions with the official political line, etc. I have my covid diary I also have you, as the living, enduring evidence of all that was and is wrong with society as a whole during corona
  6. these effects were known well before the first lockdown, and have been documented in an official WHO document which has now been taken off their site furthermore, level headed normal citizens were openly talking about these potential side effects, but they were called stupid by so called experts. the lockdowns went through, the damage was done, and now, you don't hear a word from it anymore. the victims can fuck off and take care of themselves. welcome in a dystopian expert-guided society, where real indidivual needs are discarded in favor of an illusionary collective benefit
  7. as a 4-5 year old, I saw the scene where that slave is lowered in the lava pit, just after that scene where that centipede was crawling to the woman's hair my dad told me, it was "indiana jones". "Doctor jones". Funny, I thought. An indian doctor, who looks like a cowboy. it is one of my earliest memories, clear as day. I don't know much else from when I was that age. so there really is nothing higher than indiana jones, when it comes to action movies. it is the start of it all, never bettered. Temple of doom was indiana jones to me. Didn't know there were two other movies. Indy had a kid helping him in that movie. 5 year old me could relate to that. Indy felt like a father figure. This series has shaped me, in more ways than I'm aware of. So this fifth, unnecessary movie, decided to piss on the series, deconstructing Indy and making him a sad old loser. I see, hollywood is at an all time crisis these days. I dont know much about hollywood, but with bad movies like Indy 5, insulting the fans, I have a feeling it will get much worse, before it gets any better
  8. I might watch the movie some day the trailer put me off for the reasons given. "it's called capitalism" ok...
  9. the highest grossing movie of 2023 is super mario bros, standing at more than 500 million dollars grossed domestically. the reason? the movie respects the hero, and gives the viewer a good feeling. it does not contain identity politics, neo feminism, or other twisted modern trash politics. It does not lecture the viewer, it does not insult the viewer for being white, privileged and capitalist. it is, in short, what a movie should be, to entertain the paying customer. The customer pays, the customer is always right. Indy 5, is an insult to the hero, it makes the viewer (who is subtly lectured through the movie) feel bad about themselves. That is why it was predicted to bomb, and that is why it is bombing. I know, the mods do not allow these views to be expressed, but they are relevant to the topic, and these views have been put out there for us to discuss, by the makers of the movie themselves who willingly put these issues in the movie. it is all that can be said about this movie, because there is not much positivity found here.
  10. it is not my fault people can not handle different opinions clearly, that's the case here. I despise the movie and it"s message, I post that feeling on here, someone is butthurt, and I'm getting the blame. the problem lays with you, not with me
  11. so I'm a troll because I don't like a movie, and talk about it? why is this message board even here? just admit, straight up, that only people who agree with you are allowed to post here, and everyone else is a troll in your eyes you just can not handle different opinions.
  12. well, excuse me, but that's a bit of a stupid remark. I don't like the movie, for the reasons already given
  13. we get it, old white man bad, entitled feminist woman good they sure need a lot of franchises to ruin, to bring their message. in the real world, nobody gives a shit. It will be a massive flop.
  14. karma has been strong with this one
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