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Everything posted by EvanG

  1. The subtlety made it good and different from other movies about this topic. Only seeing the smoke from the arriving trains or only hearing the prisoners instead of seeing them is what made it even more thought-provoking.
  2. How do you know he is alone? Maybe he spends all his time with friends, impossible to know.
  3. I’m somewhat of a celebrity in my country and I have to keep my hands free for signing autographs all the time when we are walking around town. She understands.
  4. My girlfriend held an umbrella for me the other day and I never realized until now how sad this might have looked to others. I’m going to do some serious thinking (and drinking) about this and hopefully figure this one out.
  5. It wasn’t critique towards you, I happen to agree with you. I was just thinking this again yesterday when I was reading about Iran and then came on here and of course read yet another doom and gloom post from her, that maybe she’s this mellow person in real life and nothing like how she comes off on here. But I don’t think it will change, she doesn’t seem to read or care what people here say, she mostly seems to be talking to herself when she’s in apocalyptic mode.
  6. When I read her posts I sometimes wonder if she’s like this in real life too or that maybe she uses a forum like this sorta as a diary to get the anxiety and stress off her chest but is a more mellow and relaxed person in real life. Also because she hardly reacts when people quote her or give advice. I hope so, but I doubt it, though.
  7. “skies as” in Sweet Child always gave me goosebumps.
  8. Live And Let Die. It perfectly captured their stage presence and charisma. Yesterdays*
  9. To be fair, I also throw quite a few “like” emoticons around when I read this forum but I usually save them for the more sensible posts, but that is getting more and more rare.
  10. Why mention it in the first place then? It doesn't make what I said any less true.
  11. I'm on season one too, Beth just catered for the Forrester party and saw Eric again for the first time in years and I thought Brooke and Ridge would meet too at this party but it didn't happen, so it must happen in a later episode. I do remember they meet when Brooke was catering, but it must have been another party then.
  12. Who cares what nationality most reactions come from anyway? Are Latin people’s opinion less valid? Just accept that on other platforms the majority is positive about this song. It’s okay, you’re still allowed to think it sucks.
  13. I still don't get your point. All I said was that on other platforms this song was well received when you look at the reactions. That those comments come from mostly Latin people is not true, but even if it is true, it’s totally irrelevant.
  14. The sex noises Axl makes are lame indeed, and I’d be pissed if I were Duff if someone made those noises in my song, but who knows… maybe he doesn’t mind or even likes them? Still, it doesn’t ruin the song for me and I love the piano part in it too.
  15. I like it. The vocals kinda suck, but it's a good tune with some cool dynamics.
  16. Most are in English actually, but yeah, some are in another language, what's your point?
  17. I wasn't comparing the reaction to The General to the other three songs. I was reacting to the poster who said The General wasn't received well. On this forum it wasn't, that's true, but on other platforms, like for example YouTube, most reactions are positive.
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