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What are Chris Pitman's musical merits?

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Ever since I decided to become a more devout follower of Guns N' Roses, I've always questioned why in the hell Chris Pitman is in the band. Why does GNR need a multi-instrumentalist when they already have a fuckload of other musicans INCLUDING a keyboardist who has been doing his job well for over 20 years? It's not like he's on the musical level of Garth Hudson or anything.

Granted, I believe that new GNR needs to return to its lean-and-mean hard rock roots and as such, I'm not really one for the overkill/excess that characterizes the current lineup of the band. I get that he helped with the writing of Chinese Democracy and honestly I can respect the hell out of that. But, I'd relegate him to a studio role because I think his live contributions are just plain awful. I just don't see the point of adding sub-bass or programming or synths or any other sort of electronic blurbs that fuck up the music (Assuming you can hear it over the three-guitar onslaught that's already occurring onstage). And for the songs that he doesn't have an electronic contribution on, well I don't fucking care about him playing a tambourine. It's just giving him an excuse for something to do.

It also doesn't help that I think he's kind of a dick after watching that one interview he did, but that's another story.

With all of this being said, I was hoping that someone can convince me that he's a valuable member of the band. I understand that I have a really heavy bias against him, but I'm still really hoping that some of the fervent new-GNR supporters can come to my aid on this one.

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Okay Backworlds is a good song, thank you.

In the Jimmy Kimmel interview, Axl said Pitman would be the first to go.

I look at it like this: If Dizzy gets sick, you need someone to play the Paradise City riff.

But seriously, Pitman's rotational keyboard is cool.

Yeah I needed to quote that in my original post.

But still, does Dizzy's backup guy need to be a fucking full time member?

The keyboard is kinda cool though, too bad I can never hear it.

he cowrote this masterpiece with Dizzy Reed


I couldn't finish half of that.

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I really have no problem with him being in the band. I have no idea what he does though, he seems to do the job of a front end engineer but he plays the synth parts live as opposed to piping things in pre-recorded.

I like some of the electronica influence on new guns but I don't think he needs to be a full time member, maybe after a few albums or fi they relied very heavily on the CD tracks live, like back in 09 where they pretty much played everything.

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he cowrote this masterpiece with Dizzy Reed


and there you have your answer...

Like wfuckinga said they need to be lined up and shot for it right between the eyes.

did Wfuckinga really say that?

yeah because no one is that fucking stupid to call Silkworms a masterpiece.

oh its a piece alright....

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I feel bad for people who think Silkworms is some sort of revolutionary masterpiece; it means that these people haven't explored music, they don't realize how much better music is actually out there.

Miserere is a masterpiece; Silkworms is not.

It's like hearing someone say that a McDouble is a masterpiece of cuisine. It's just so pathetic, so sad. Like hearing someone say that Budweiser is the height of beer.

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Silkworms is great :fuckyou:

You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is weird.

If you're going to try to convince me that Silkworms validates Chris Pitman being in GNR, then I'm just lost for words. I've yet to see a coherent argument for Pitman's place in the band and I'm really starting to believe that nobody has one. Forum member's personal conversations with him and a few writing credits for mediocre songs on a mediocre record aren't enough to validate his place in GNR. He's barely got any use and he's a waste of space.

Edited by highvoltage
Edited an unnecessary insult out
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