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Posts posted by Streetchild

  1. Corey Feldman just got awesome news -- Richard Donner told us he's making a sequel to "The Goonies" ... and wants to bring back the entire cast.

    Donner was signing autographs in Bev Hills when he dropped the bombshell ... genuinely surprising our photog.

    What Donner didn't say ... whether he'll recast the main characters and bring in Corey, Josh Brolin, Sean Astin and Data for cameos, or if these guys will actually play the same roles 28 years later. A gnarly but interesting thought.

    Goonies never say die!


    I loved the fist movie when I was a kid.

    But why can't Hollywood leave those classics alone.

    Why does every movie need a sequel or a remake...

  2. Awesome :headbang:.

    Now we can wait for a realease date, album title, track titles and the artwork.

    And of course the weekly updates.

    After that the release of the first single and then the album.

    Maybe they will give us those few seconds previews like they did with Apocalyptic Love.

    Great times ahead for us Slash fans :slash:

  3. I loved the first five seasons of this show.

    After that it went a little downhill, but still had some cool episodes during the years.

    Season 9 started pretty weak, but the last few episodes were pretty cool.

    I Always liked Ted and Robin as a couple, but the last few seasons it was clear they didn't belong together.

    So I was happy the mother turned out to be a new character in season 8.

    And then in the last few minutes of the show they had to break up Barney and Robin, let Barney have a kid, let the mother die and let Ted and Robin get back together...

    The whole search for the mother and the love of his life seems kinda pointless now, since he met Robin in the first episode.

    I did like some of the jokes to earlier episodes though, like the playbook, cockamouse, muder train or robots vs wrestlers.

    But all in all a disapointing ending to a great show.


    Waiting from 6AM to 10AM at the record store paid off - got my Pinkpop tickets! :D

    Congrats man. I waited about the same time but didn't get any :( .

    There were incredible long lines here in Limburg.

    But got some tickets for the monday instead.

    Bummer man! :( Maybe something will end up on Marktplaats? I was there a short while before 6. The people who were there first (23:45 on Friday) started a list. I was number 48. By the time it was 9:45 there were literally hundreds of people (Plato Groningen). Some started to cut in line and push everybody. Which was a really shit thing to do. But luckily the guys in front handed the list of people who were there first over to the people from Plato and he actually let them in in that order! ^_^ YAY for them for being so cool. I went back there an hour ago and the guy at the counter told me tickets sold out about 10 minutes after I left. So maybe the first 70 or something people (from the list) got tickets and all the line-cutters didn't get shit. I call that justice.

    They did the same here. They had a pen and you got a number on your hand and had to write the next number at the person behind you in line.

    Then they let people in in the right order.

    It all went very well and nobody tried to cut in line.

    But when I got there a little after 6 am i was already numer 128. At 8.30 they were already at number 490 and after that I don't know how many people were there.

    Pinkpop is only a 30 minute drive from here so a lot of people here wanted to see them.


    Waiting from 6AM to 10AM at the record store paid off - got my Pinkpop tickets! :D

    Congrats man. I waited about the same time but didn't get any :( .

    There were incredible long lines here in Limburg.

    But got some tickets for the monday instead.

  6. How can you say that Duff was a member of new guns n roses?

    He was a founding member.

    of new guns n roses?

    Not the way I see things.

    Remember how Axl talked about "alumni" on stage with him? Or are you just smartass/trolling your way around here.

    I'm sorry that you don't know your Guns N' Roses history very well, but Duff was in the band with Robin as Axl's employee after Slash left the band. Same with Matt. Duff is a founding member of New Guns N' Roses whether you choose to accept it or not.
    Duff McKagan was in this incarnation's original lineup, he's the one that suggested Robin as a replacement for Slash if I remember correctly. I'm sorry you don't like the idea that Duff was in new GNR.
    IIRC, Duff had suggested Robin as a foil for Slash, but Axl said something along the lines of "no, he would be a great REPLACEMENT for Slash"

    That was Matt, not Duff.

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