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Everything posted by jamillos

  1. Ha, exactly what I said above. Just like that, it’s either always 100% this or always 100% that. So anyone going "they are lying to you" is automatically a right wing lunatic (which then has to include me as well, that's funny), while anyone going "conspiracy theory bullshit" is absolutely fine and right, no discrepancy there at all. You know, I’m already tired of this. Wish you good luck and all.
  2. Oh I know that, believe you me. I’m just using the same absurd black-or-white nonsense as people when they use these "conspiracy theory" or "disinformation" boxes any time someone says something that disagrees with the current mainstream narrative, whatever it is. Don’t know anything about racism related to Musk, though – but this thread is already derailed anyway, so I don’t mind learning something new. And btw, I’m definitely not rooting for that guy in general. These billionaires could literally change the world within months or a few years if they worked together (imagine the projects and movements they could work out for the benefit of the planet and mankind), and instead of that, they just sell overpriced shitty toys, keep making astronomical fortune, and occasionally donate some millions to charity just to look good and silence their own conscience. Is the way I see it. Ask Bezos and the likes. But other than that, well...
  3. Right, thank god we have politicians and the mass media to tell us what the truth is. I mean, they’re here for us, aren’t they? And if you question that, you’re fucking crazy, hey hey. I knew this thread would be fun.
  4. Any time I come across the name Amber Heard, I always think "heard what?" (Or Aubrey Plaza – doesn’t it sound like a name of a place?) Anyway, I think it was her who clearly was the villain of the piece. The question here is, what happens in Nando’s case.
  5. We know he still smoked - at least occasionally - cigars in 2006 and 2010, as we have photos. Idk if he keeps doing that, but an occasional cigar isn't the same thing as a pack of cigarettes a day. As for drinking, he definitely isn't an abstinent, but he's no drunk either (anymore). His throat mainly reflects wear and tear from the unnecessarily lengthy touring (plus age).
  6. True, but they could have used the base, cut out the old guys and stick in the new ones. Most people care about Axl anyway. Edit: Look at the Perhaps video. They only started soundchecking it a while back and yet managed to use the Duff bit where he's actually singing it - so it apparently didn't take that much time to prepare. After all, this stuff can be done when there's will and competent people are employed.
  7. Before splitting, I'd throw some monkey wrench in there: "Before we go, how's Fernando and Kat doing? ... Ok, nevermind."
  8. It wasn’t that bad imo, plus they could have patched up something like Perhaps at any time, which apparently is successful. I think it was connected with that "delays – Merck – Axl distancing himself from it all" nonsense going on behind the release. Too bad they didn’t decide to maybe work on it some more and release it later – it still would have been viable and desirable during that 2010 run. Oh well.
  9. Well that's bad. I understand that OIAM isn't a part of newly pressed Lies CDs, but they should stick with the other lyrics, for god's sake. Otherwise they might as well wrap it all up.
  10. I didn't know that stuff about Russell, so I may be wrong there, but we'll see. Louis did everything with the women's consent, so yeah, compare that with rock stars and groupies... He just jerked off in front of them. Morally bad perhaps, legally ok. Amber turned out to be a manipulative crazy turd liar, afaik. Again, too soon to make any serious conclusions, but the Nando stuff looks worse, and don't get me wrong, I'm definitely all for men getting appropriate justice when proven guilty. I know the women are right in most cases. That is not to say some don't misuse this stuff, but I wouldn't believe it in this case, as it wouldn't make sense. It fits on that little prick.
  11. Is that right? I did not know that about Russell, and I guess we’ll see when something transpires. If he did something, it definitely needs to be investigated. But for now, this, too, is really hearsay. Anyway, as for Nando, it can definitely harm the band, so I hope they’ll figure it out.
  12. True, especially these days. Look at Louis CK or recently Russell Brand. Not everyone can afford such a public charade like Johnny Depp. These guys essentially did nothing (the RB case is still new, though, but I assume they're just trying to cancel him for his political views etc.), and yet there was a strong attempt to take them down. So it shouldn't be a problem in case of Merchnando, who most probably definitely did something, and a lot of it. Even though he's not famous. This is high profile sensitive shit these days, with a potential to shed a bad light on the band. And he needs to get what he deserves.
  13. Funny how everything was Monsters when we held on to the General Just because they’re leaking don’t mean we’ll be the lucky ones
  14. Reminds me I still haven't finished 5. And what a great game that was. I also have PTSDs from SA's mini helicopters and all I had to do is follow the damn train, CJ! As for the older ones, 2 is an absolute legend. Running over the Elvis guys was just precious.
  15. I loved the mix, to be honest. But I don't play it any more. There was one bit that was almost heavenly, but it's not present in the final song, so... as for the mix, it's over now, it's all burnt down.
  16. I understand what you're saying, don't get me wrong, but my point - see my reply to Soul Monster - is that it doesn't automatically have to mean racism. Because sometimes the association brings the B. word as the first thing. That's all. I'm naturally only speaking for myself. Please get my point, I hate racism and anything even remotely connected to that, I mean, jeez! Edit: I just don't like being dictated how I can talk, especially based on the latest trends.
  17. Ha! I see what you mean, but to be honest, Brazilian would be one of the first things that would occur to me if I wanted to use some adjective. It doesn’t always have to be complicated, and what I’m pointing out is it doesn’t automatically mean racism etc. It sounds like it, I’ll give you that, however... close but no cigar, at least in my case.
  18. I now realize I completely wrote it that way (what with me being hungover and all that), but I obviously primarily meant the sound. His guitar. That's the main factor, naturally. And to say "I don't understand how anyone could prefer that" is just ridiculous, that was my point. I believe it's pretty clear.
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