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Jakey Styley

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Status Updates posted by Jakey Styley

  1. Saw Paul McCartney live tonight, what a show

    1. rocknroll41


      Saw him live in 2015 and he played for 3 hours straight. Best show ever!

  2. You wrote in a thread to invest in silver/gold a few months ago. I did and made a lot of money. Thanks!

    1. downzy


      Glad it worked out.  Much of my other financial advice was way off.  I can see gold hitting $3k - $4k an ounce in the next 24 months.

  3. Was the leak "As it Began" real or fake? I remember there being some talk of it being fanmade

    1. rocknroll41


      People thought it was fake at first cause initially a user from another forum named Numbers was leaking songs individually, and messing with the sound quality. Soon after tho, the Chairman user leaked the entire rough mix discs in full (untouched). That’s when we knew for sure that As It Began had to be real.

    2. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      Appreciate it. I was really surprised when I first heard it might’ve been fake, something about it sounds so Axl.

    3. rocknroll41


      It’s the whale noises. Only Axl would do that! :lol:

  4. I just saw Ringo Starr live and he didn't do Octopus's Garden, is that fucked?

  5. It's unbelievable how useless the Nightrain membership was for getting tickets.

    1. NachoLZ


      Can you tell me why? I'm interested in joining just for that.

  6. My mom lives in Croydon, Pennsylvania now, so Snakepit enters my head way more than he should in a day.

    1. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Well let me help counteract that, Pappy also comes from Croydon.  There you go, now a 300 lbs Nigerian sex pest can enter your head way more than he should, in a manner of speaking.  Always a pleasure :D

  7. Can I no longer hide the Twitter feed?

    1. downzy
    2. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      Old MyGNR is better than the new one

    3. downzy


      Damn, that was going to be our surprise new slogan for the next t-shirt.

  8. I had a dream I was at the first reunion show and the stage was setup so that Slash and Duff were on a different stage than Axl and his band- which also included a new lead guitarist of his own

    1. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      And then, all of a sudden, as if from nowhere, Kanye appeared on the Slash and Duff stage and everybody vacated the Axl stage and ran over in their droves as Kanye blessed the mic...in a more expensive skirt than Axls!

    2. ZoSoRose


      I just choked

  9. Yeezy fans report to the Kanye thread for new song

    1. darknightfan


      I just talked to Jesus he said "what up Yeezus".

  10. In retrospect, the yellow raincoat was sick

    1. jbhutto


      That's what I'm sayin', haha.

  11. Just ordered a bottle of Bumblefucked Sauce.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov

      So hot a Jew can taste it

    3. Powerage5


      That said, the rest of the sauces are great. Bumblicious is my favorite.

    4. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      Update: it's really fucking hot. I think I'm gonna try to condition myself to be able to use it though. Just a fun personal challenge

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bacardimayne


      aerosmith thread made recently, lol

    3. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      i enjoyed that :)

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      the song i mean, not Aerosmith thread, no one enjoys those

  12. What happened to the recording studio pic thread?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZoSoRose


      i think it got merged with the tiwitter thread. Fin mod squad amirite?

    3. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      Whichever mod did that needs to chill out.

    4. AxlisOld


      Don't worry, WFA will make a thread in support and let everyone know it's was his thread.

  13. Great, happy song from a band i dont care for
    1. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      What is that in your avatar? Is it a calzone? Cause I'm eating one right now. It's delicious.

  14. What's this "best answer" shit that just popped up once in the supporter section?

  15. If you don't enjoy The Beatles, then I don't know what it is that draws you to music.

  16. 44 wings on the way courtesy of buffalo wild wings :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      22 Buffalos died to give you those wings, appreciate that bub.

    3. Coma16


      DR DOOM - 11 Buffalos dies for those wings. It was for a good cause though.

    4. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      I thought Buffalos only had one pair of wings each...

  17. Oh My God is so sick

  18. The McCoy thread has finally been laid to rest

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jakey Styley

      Jakey Styley

      The OP just asked for it to be locked/deleted

    3. arnold layne

      arnold layne

      About fucking time.

    4. Mansin Humanity
  19. Can the Brazilians please start sending emotional letters to BBF asking him to stay?

  20. Bumblefoot just posted.

    1. Nosaj Thing
    2. Lio


      Stuck in my head since yesterday :-)

  21. Can it be made a rule that the creator of a concert thread has to update the OP with the setlist?

    1. Gia


      No, get over it

  22. Trending on Facebook: Axl Rose: Axl Rose ranked as the ‘greatest’ vocalist ever

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