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axlvai last won the day on October 14 2021

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  1. If he can put some UYI Tour vocals... i dont care the playback.
  2. I dont have time to waste now too.... goddamn.
  3. Thats sucks. Im from Chile and i didnt have problems.
  4. Weeks ago i was excited by the Use your Illusion 0..... for 10 seconds i almost believe i had a perfect audio of this shit. It was the same shit that leaked years ago. If i want gnr stuff, first i want the alternative mix of the UYI. ALL OF THEM. If u dont have it... here is: https://www.ebay.com/itm/375606028919?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DyTt2J_uTCi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ywuwJVvqQL2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I truly believe this is the way to sell gnr music. Exclusive stuff, good quality cases with good pictures,etc. Only for fans.
  5. Chinese leftovers with Slash n Duff is the same like a chinese food, tryin to erase the seasoning addin mostard n ketchup. GnR needs make a real shit. Like a fkn band.
  6. And still tryin that high falsetto... go down Axl!!! Listen your fans, not the yes man.
  7. He work the song like the original. Now i got it. In that way i liked it. Sounds goods as the original. five cheetos moustache for this. Good tribute.
  8. I cant send u Pms. I want to see what do u have and maybe buy something...
  9. Damn stadistics..... now im satisfied with the album releases.
  10. This is really a problem with time. When Axl said in London 1991 that we are patience ppl for waiting so long on UYI and they were working hard in all songs.... not only that will had videoclip....... this shit didnt have name for it. Its terrible.
  11. Hey hey hey don fuck with my UYI Retour... 1991 line up ..... make UYI 3 AND 4..... then retire.
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