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About jafeijo

  • Birthday 11/09/1994

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    Porto Alegre, Brazil

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  1. I don't consider Matt a replacement per say, he's almost a original member. Most of my favorite drum parts in UYI were written by him and Adler certainly could not replicate them even in his best day. I'm totally aware he didn't write all of the songs in it and for sure the guy behaves like he's equal to original members. Anyway, he's the best drummer GNR has ever had IMO, only a few rock drummers created a certain "signature style" of drumming and to me he's one of them, also the chemistry him Slash and Duff developed in studio with GNR and later in VR is top notch, to me almost a Hard Rock subgenre of it's own.
  2. I would love a "Tenderness" kind of record by GNR. But I understand that I'm maybe the only one here who likes that album. That said, maybe the last "simple" song we're getting from Axl is Rock The Rock.
  3. That Tommy Stinson interview where he express frustration by mentioning that his favorite songs didn't make the CD comes to mind.
  4. My 50 cents on the leaks (been away from the forum last couple of weeks and this happens) 🤯 Monsters: To my ears it's cristal clear that Slash/Duff are present, not a doubt. Not only the guitar parts but the overall harmony progression differs from all we've heard from the CD era (despite the odd mix and odd guitar tone), the song gives me a Velvet Revolver meets Trent Reznor/NIN kind of vibe. Very excited to hear a final version of this song, since it's clearly a rough mix. The General: Awesome song, didn't like that much at first listen but it grew on me. The vocals are a bit weak for my taste, as if it was Axl's first take. Also, am I the only one who gets the impression that this one comes from a lot earlier than the Monsters? The mix is raw, very much like the The Village Leaks. Wonder if this is any close to final mix we're getting in December.
  5. Sorry if already been asked, but is Slash on TG? Only noticed his parts on Monsters.
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