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darkside259 last won the day on November 30 2021

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About darkside259

  • Birthday 01/31/1996

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  1. im still here in silence mode, and im going to be here till i die, reading random suff about my teenage favorite band, i love this band, i love this OLD DULL FORUM KINDA MUSEUM OLD FUNTIONAL THNG - i found out Axl was being serious when in that chinnese media interview said he only want to do score music like han zimmer
  2. bc in the reunion he became the meta axl rose, trying to wear his "old" prime look in the 90s, i wonder if mentally this became some sort of a mask to gain the "idol" posture again. in the 00S he look for a new style more organic and that was the last time axl rose look for a artistic way of expresion. now he s trying to be the axl rose brand that the poeple know from the old times, and that axl doesn have facialhair, (ecept for the paris and some of the illusiion shows)
  3. this migh be true but perhaps was great in my opinion, and harskchool sounds cool as shit like monster, but they need more guns n less roses
  4. hello my friends from here, i been with my head eep down in the argentina crisis and i lost all this new big heat news, so if anyone can put me out of my mysery and let me hear the news i woluld be so happy.
  5. We witnes the fenix nature of Axl voice in 2006/10 when he went full god mode, and then again in 16s we saw the fenix with AXL/DC n GNR. Now we facing a dark time for Axl in terms of vocal range and this could be atributed to the extension of the tour, some might said is becouse the voice is "shot" due to the "way of sing" or "technique" Axl used all this years an in specific 16s with AXL/DC, That this could be terminal to his vocal chords but if this were true.... is permanent? migh be a way for Axl to gaing back his signature voice? an operation? rest? time? we saw Axl in darks times and the people give him for death in terms of voice like in 2001 or 2013/14. i know the actual state of axl s voice is worst than ever, but could be a rebirth? a fenix era again? the death of his all life vocal coach Ron Anderson doesn t help to the matter but is another coach in contact with Axl? i personally think that Axl is a rocky case and always has surprises under his many hats.
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