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Len Cnut

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Len Cnut last won the day on October 29 2020

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About Len Cnut

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  1. Daniel - Elton John
  2. 0 to 100 - Drake
  3. You leave him alone, its not easy growing up without Sky TV😂. (He’s Indian, you know he had a dodgy box wired up when cable came out!)
  4. American Pie - Don McLean
  5. Some Weird Sin - Iggy Pop
  6. I agree too, what an odd thing to do, change a flag out of nowhere, where else does that happen? I aint siding with no weird fuckin racists here but come on, the flag is what it is, change some other cunts flag.
  7. Close! The smell of fish that made you reach that conclusion is your upper lip cuz you can’t afford real meat and have to resort to dipping your head into some cum infested northern lovers lane pond to catch the AIDS infested scallop butty that makes your dinner…and you miss your mouth when trying to take a bite 😂
  8. Ngannou was a load of shite and always was, he’s just getting hyped because he surprised a totally out of training Fury who thinks he’s better than he is because he’s top of the pile in the worst generation of heavyweights since the last one (who were the worst ever)
  9. Sweet Child O Mine - Gennaro Pedophilio and the Cheesy Foreskin Band
  10. Oh we’ll fuck it off way before the very end!
  11. Of course they’re gonna fuck it up, look how they squeaked past Porto…and its fuckin Porto. Still, could be worse, we could be United
  12. Country Honk - Rolling Stones
  13. My avatar is Tupac Shakur cuz to me he represents the point where capricious youth and unbridled talent intersects
  14. Here, let me fix the middle east peace process, bombing (or kidnapping people) ain’t OK….nor is taking over someones land. Complicated eh?
  15. Hello Zoso, you Zep lovin’ bastard, hows the life n times?
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