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What's your opinions on this 1976 album by Led Zeppelin? It's probably Zep's least popular album and has received mixed and negative reviews. What's your review of it?

Well, it got my favourite Zeppelin song; Achilles last stand. :xmasssanta:

Same here. It's my favorite Zep album overall without question.


It's their worst album IMHO. However, that doesn't mean its bad. Its good some good songs on it. I think Robert Plant had a car accident around this time and his voice changed a bit before the recording of this album.


His voice got fucked between the end of 1972 and early 1973, he had some throat surgery to remove some nods because he sang with Zep nonstop since 68, so his throat was pretty raw by then...

They say he started singing again too soon after surgery and as a result there was some noticeable damage to his vocal cords that made his voice change for good by the end of the Houses Of The Holy tour...


Yeah its a really great album, Ive been getting into it alot lately. Personally I think there worst album is LZ II.


Best Led Zeppelin album. Period.

It is hard rocking, consistent, and has two of Zeppelin's best: Achilles Last Stand and Tea For One.

Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

Presence is so commonly cited as "underrated" that it's becoming "overrated". Opax, I have to agree on II.

Presence is so commonly cited as "underrated" that it's becoming "overrated". Opax, I have to agree on II.

I hate the use of overated and underated, I mean everyone's going to have a different opinion, and opinions change with time. I used to think Presence was the worst but now I've come to like it, whereas in six months time I may have gone off it again.

As for II, well it just seems so inconsistant, plus it kind of rips of old blues a bit too much for me to be comfortable with.

zeppling sucks, end of story :)

You really are as dumb as a piece of bread.

you can call yourself that when you say that Hair Metal suck ^_^

But everyone knows the musicianship of hair metal sucks. The only thing that's good about them are all the hot 80s-babes in the videos.

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