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I need some help from some coding experts

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

Alright, I just started a podcast, and I don't really know too much about RSS, so I tried my best creating an rss feed (view it here.) Anyways, I'm following what it says on the apple page, and it says to go to podcasts in itunes, go to advance tab, type in the url of where the rss feed is (as posted above) and to see if it reads all the stuff properly, I did that. But it gives me (!) symbol as opposed to the orange symbol I'm supposed to get.

I wanted to know if somebody could look at the coding, and tell me what I did wrong, cause I can't figure it out.

Thank you.


Maybe. Post it here with [code.] tags, minus the period, or PM me. But I'm not familiar with RSS but I can take a look

Guest Jack_the_ripper

<rss version="2.0">
<title>Culturedcast: The cultured gamers podcast</title>
<description>a podcast featuring cultured gamers.</description>
<lastBuildDate>Sat, March 8th 2008, 12:00:00 EST</lastBuildDate>
<title>Culturedcast 1: Condescending</title>
<pubDate>Saturday, March 8th 2008, 12:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<description> In which our Cultured Gamers talk things brawl, discuss a little hockey, pay to play, alien civilizations finding this recording, and end up offending all possible cultures in the process. (be warned, may be offensive. Also note, the quality is not the greatest, it's our first try, we'll nail it eventually.)</description>
<!-- put more items here -->

Thanks in advance Kevin.

Guest Jack_the_ripper

max, I'm not sure, apples site isn't clear as to what itunes wants outside of <itunes:summary> even though it says <description> should work fine.

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