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You guys gotta hear this album


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I might get flamed for this? I dunno, its a post hardcore band but if that discourages you don't dip on me just yet. If anything this album is simply experimental rock.

Its called Fear Before and its by Fear Before the March of Flames who recently just shortened their name to Fear Before and came out with this amazing album. Fuckin my favorie part of the day for the past month or so has been driving with this album at full blast in the car.

Quality wise it flows just like Appetite, overall awesome with in my opinion the two weakest songs at the end right before the incredibly badass finale. You kind of have to be in the mood for it at first but after getting high to this album every night for like... two nights I was straight hooked to this shit. There isnt any instrument/role that doesn't stand out, the drums, guitar, vocals, and bass flow so perfectly and its all catchy as hell. The production is spot on too. If Pink Floyd was born in the 80's and experienced music growing up from that perspective, I'm pretty sure this is somewhere along the lines of what they'd be churning out minus the 10 minute instrumental intros n shit. I love this album, easily the best to come out this year for me.

Bad things about it:

The lyrics for the most part suck, the vocal melodies and singing is all incredibly ace but some of their word choice just gets irritating at times. There are exceptions, but for the most part the lyrics fail in my book. Luckily the band's talent makes up for this cause lyrics are so key and when they're good they add so much more to the music. Also towards the end of the album it starts to sound self indulgent which is just, meh... but in a way its a good prelude to the last song.

Overall a great album, check it out or at least give it a chance

Its even better when you're high

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yeah my uncles band Damiera went on tour with them back in September, saw them with my uncles band. Eh, I disliked them but hey what ever floats your boat. If you dont believe me check http://equalvision.com/artists/. Damiera is right above Fear Before. Check them out, if you like At the Drive In you will like Damiera.

Edited by GUNSNROSES513
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Wasnt mine either funkymonk, just grew on me quick and i was like damn... this aint bad!

I'm listening it now and you can definitely hear At the Drive-In in there, but it's still different.

I like it, will check out more and buy this album. Thanks!

no prob man

yeah my uncles band Damiera went on tour with them back in September, saw them with my uncles band. Eh, I disliked them but hey what ever floats your boat. If you dont believe me check http://equalvision.com/artists/. Damiera is right above Fear Before. Check them out, if you like At the Drive In you will like Damiera.

thanks ill check em out, At the Drive In's one of my favorite bands

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