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Concert start times


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Axl- PLEASE do not have a "start time" on tickets of 7:30PM and roll on at midnight. Just put midnight or whatever on ticket. We don't care what time show starts, just don't have us enter arenas and sit for 4 hours. PLEASE. Christ that sucked last time. Bach was awesome, then some Death Eagle garbage and then Suicide Chicks and then like an hour or 2 wait. Brutal. Just say on ticket: GnR on stage at 11:30PM +/- 30 minutes. THANK YOU

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would be cool but why not just show up around 11 and not wait it out?


I totally hear ya knocking, however it would be just my luck (or anyones) that the day we roll in at 11PM Axl decides to hit stage at 10:30 or whatever. Again- whenever he wants to start is fine by me, just don't 'play' the fans by screwing around for 4 hours. After sitting around for that long (alcohol cuts off at what?? 10:30PMish or earlier) 1/2 fans are board, asleep, pissed, ready to go home. Seems like such a simple solution for the night owl (AXL).

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Guest Edward Rose

would be cool but why not just show up around 11 and not wait it out?


I totally hear ya knocking, however it would be just my luck (or anyones) that the day we roll in at 11PM Axl decides to hit stage at 10:30 or whatever. Again- whenever he wants to start is fine by me, just don't 'play' the fans by screwing around for 4 hours. After sitting around for that long (alcohol cuts off at what?? 10:30PMish or earlier) 1/2 fans are board, asleep, pissed, ready to go home. Seems like such a simple solution for the night owl (AXL).

I assume by "pissed" you mean the British "pissed"? Drunk? :vomit:

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I'll be the politically incorrect one...

If you're gonna go on late, make sure you have the Suicide Girls with you. And just let them dance, twirl, and shake ass til whenever the band comes on :) I can live with that.

Honestly all the bitching about the wait times - I had to drive through crazy snow to London in 2002. If Axl hadn't gone on late I would have missed half the show!

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