Danalex Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Starting with today, it's official!GNR are coming in Romania, Bucharest, at Romexpo, on 21 septemberThe promoter is D&D East Enterteinment!You can buy tickets here: http://www.eventim.ro/portal/ro/muzica/rock_pop/guns_nroses/76379/My dream finally became reality!I just bought my ticketsTHANK YOU AXL ROSETHANK YOU GNR
STARABOSTES Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Starting with today, it's official!GNR are coming in Romania, Bucharest, at Romexpo, on 21 septemberThe promoter is D&D East Enterteinment!You can buy tickets here: http://www.eventim.ro/portal/ro/muzica/rock_pop/guns_nroses/76379/My dream finally became reality!I just bought my ticketsTHANK YOU AXL ROSETHANK YOU GNRomule...deja aveam un topic aici pe chestia asta, si stiai.. dar, te inteleg! rock on!
Danalex Posted July 1, 2010 Author Posted July 1, 2010 Starting with today, it's official!GNR are coming in Romania, Bucharest, at Romexpo, on 21 septemberThe promoter is D&D East Enterteinment!You can buy tickets here: http://www.eventim.ro/portal/ro/muzica/rock_pop/guns_nroses/76379/My dream finally became reality!I just bought my ticketsTHANK YOU AXL ROSETHANK YOU GNRomule...deja aveam un topic aici pe chestia asta, si stiai.. dar, te inteleg! rock on!Scuze, dar sunt prea entuzismata si am vrut sa fie mai clar pt. toata lumea ca e oficial
kalina.malina Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 It's not fair!!!GN'R will go in Sarbia, in Romania but not in Bulgaria This is absolutely not fair...
Danalex Posted July 1, 2010 Author Posted July 1, 2010 It's not fair!!!GN'R will go in Sarbia, in Romania but not in Bulgaria This is absolutely not fair...I'm sorry for you, but you are very wellcome here in Bucharest!You are very close to us so it's not that difficult!It's gone be rocking!
GivenToFly Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Awful timing, as I'm leaving for UK about a week earlier! ...Fuck it, I'll get the ticket now, hop on a plane on the day, see the show, fly back the next day. Anything for GNR!
STARABOSTES Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Starting with today, it's official!GNR are coming in Romania, Bucharest, at Romexpo, on 21 septemberThe promoter is D&D East Enterteinment!You can buy tickets here: http://www.eventim.ro/portal/ro/muzica/rock_pop/guns_nroses/76379/My dream finally became reality!I just bought my ticketsTHANK YOU AXL ROSETHANK YOU GNRomule...deja aveam un topic aici pe chestia asta, si stiai.. dar, te inteleg! rock on!Scuze, dar sunt prea entuzismata si am vrut sa fie mai clar pt. toata lumea ca e oficiala...pai am spus ca te inteleg si la aia ma refeream, la entuziasmul tau! faza era ca tocmai abdatam primul post pe chestia asta...am fost la unison! scuze ca ti-am scris "omule" dar dupa semnul tau pareai barbat... a fost smechera, fii pe pace(pastrez secretul) sau ai gresit cand ai scris "entuziasmata"?io ma lupt de vreo 2 ore cu idiotii ce au scris stirea pe alte situri romanesti...ca nu scriu idotienii de genul ca trupa s-a desfiintat in 1993 si ca nu dau detalii despre albumul Chinese Democracy! de aia raspund doar acum! io postez pe siturile romanesti ca si "basarab" pe majoritatea si "muccelmic" pe unul ala de la antena1, si chiar cu numele meu intreg Aurelian Rusu!
Danalex Posted July 1, 2010 Author Posted July 1, 2010 Starting with today, it's official!GNR are coming in Romania, Bucharest, at Romexpo, on 21 septemberThe promoter is D&D East Enterteinment!You can buy tickets here: http://www.eventim.ro/portal/ro/muzica/rock_pop/guns_nroses/76379/My dream finally became reality!I just bought my ticketsTHANK YOU AXL ROSETHANK YOU GNRomule...deja aveam un topic aici pe chestia asta, si stiai.. dar, te inteleg! rock on!Scuze, dar sunt prea entuzismata si am vrut sa fie mai clar pt. toata lumea ca e oficiala...pai am spus ca te inteleg si la aia ma refeream, la entuziasmul tau! faza era ca tocmai abdatam primul post pe chestia asta...am fost la unison! scuze ca ti-am scris "omule" dar dupa semnul tau pareai barbat... a fost smechera, fii pe pace(pastrez secretul) sau ai gresit cand ai scris "entuziasmata"?io ma lupt de vreo 2 ore cu idiotii ce au scris stirea pe alte situri romanesti...ca nu scriu idotienii de genul ca trupa s-a desfiintat in 1993 si ca nu dau detalii despre albumul Chinese Democracy! de aia raspund doar acum! io postez pe siturile romanesti ca si "basarab" pe majoritatea si "muccelmic" pe unul ala de la antena1, si chiar cu numele meu intreg Aurelian Rusu!Stai linistit! Chiar daca sunt femeie sunt si om asa ca nu e o greseala prea mare! Daca spui de basarab si de muccel mic, acum imi dau seama ca am mai citit post-urile tale (Metalhead si altele). Cat despre informatiile, pe care de altfel le-ar putea gasi foarte usor cei din presa, m-am lamurit de ceva vreme de delasarea lor. Vorbim totusi de una din cele mai mari trupe rock din lume (fie vorba intre noi, cea mai mare), asa ca nu ar fi fost prea greu sa afle detalii dar... Apropo, ti-ai luat bilete? Daca da, unde? Pentru ca eu le-am rezervat astazi )) si maine ma duc sa le cumpar, si am pendulat foarte mult intre vip si golden. Am optat in final pt. golden pt. ca am inteles ca nu e prea grozav amplasamentul la VIP la romexpo. Totul e sa reusesc sa ajung atat de devreme acolo incat sa fiu chiar in fata (sunt cam mica de inaltima si cred ca ma storcesc astia pe acolo ))) In fine, sunt ata de fericita incat as vorbi continuu de acest concert. De cand s-a lansat Chinese astept sa-i vad in concert si a venit clipa mult asteptata ))
Danalex Posted July 1, 2010 Author Posted July 1, 2010 Facebook, Twitterhttp://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=116179468427711http://twitter.com/
Liquor & Whores Posted July 2, 2010 Posted July 2, 2010 (edited) It's not fair!!!GN'R will go in Sarbia, in Romania but not in Bulgaria This is absolutely not fair...no Poland show either ..yet Edited July 2, 2010 by DrDrei
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