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The Only way to save the Guns N' Roses legacy is with a reunion.

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i think a reunion is a fucking dreadful idea. why, why do that, why go backwards, why go in reverse, why do that, what can possibly be achieved? What, you reckon their gonna make music like Illusions and Appetite? Well then you're thick. That was then, this is now, anyway, i liked Chi Dem, it's a good album, it's interesting, it's going in an interesting direction. Yeah it ain't gonna change the fuckin world but that whole world changing shit about albums almost always has absolutely nothing to do with the music and all about imagery, iconography, context and the time in history that they occur. Not that music can't change the world, it's more subtler than that.

It's just ridiculous, to take 4 or 5 or whatever many people from 20 or whatever years ago and sling em back together after all them years living and expect them to pick up from where they left off, styles change, tastes change, directions people wanna go in change.

I say this over and over and over and over and over and i dunno if anyone cares but here goes. Musical chemistry is a beautiful and very rare thing. When you find a set of musicians who just fuckin lock in together, who get each other and the resultant product is of a suitably high quality, there is absolutely no fuckin value high enough you can put on that, it's something so precious, it's something you gotta have respect for and nurture and wake up every day and thank God for. It's absolutely priceless. The problem is, very few musicians get this and the ones that do forget once they get a few quid in the pinny. It's so precious though and they ALL always fuck it up and like...it ain't there forever...it's you and them and where you're at as people/human beings/musicians/writers and EVERYTHING just fits and works, mess with the configuration of that a little and it's gone. That thing you have, that chemistry only remains intact by nuturing it, by making albums together, by playing together, by being together, by your musical growth being linked in someway and informed in someway by your musical partners musical growth.

You can't just stop for fucking 20 years and then get back together and expect it to work the same way, it won't, you ain't those people doing that thing in that time and place anymore, you didn't grow together, you ain't a unit anymore.

It's something so precious and every musician on earth gets fucking arrogant and has no respect for it and fucks up a good thing, like The Clash did, like The Who did after Moonie died, like Guns did and like The Stone Roses did. If you think about it mathematically, it's soooo much of a long shot for two random people to fit musically...the odds must go into the bajillions when it's four or five people, odds-wise it's probably something akin to winning the lottery, don't fuck with it, if it means enough for you to be attached enough 20 years down the line to get back together why break up in the first place?

Alls they're gonna do is embarass themselves and taint the legacy of a pretty decent fuckin little band. It's gone, it's done, i'd rather Axl carried on doing what he was doing and Slash and everyone else too.

Bottom line, you gotta have respect for the chemistry and for the resultant music that comes out. If you don't, well then you fuck it up. People get egos and think rhythm or bass players or whatever are like...interchangeable but fuck that shit, drummers, anybody, EVERYBODY is important. You can't just put someone in Adlers stool and expect the same shit to come out, each musicians has a style, something that influences the sound, a way of holding the sticks, a way of strumming, a way of leaning into a certain chord or bending a string a certain way or...y'know what i mean, whatever and when all those disparate thingies all come together to make something cool and good and musical and memorable, THATS chemistry and it's like the most important lesson ever for any band on earth ever ever.

A photocopy is never quite the same as the original.

Guns N' Roses is the Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and the Beatles (yes, I said it) of the 80's and early 90's.

nooooooo, see i think you'll find those bands were a helluva lot more than Guns n Roses ever could've been. Especially The Beatles and Stones but definitely Zeppelin too, the comparison is ridiculous.

I didn't quite follow your entire post but from what I gather you are implying that I expect a reunion of Guns N' Roses to be AFD II. Well, obviously I don't and neither do most fans - The Use Your Illusion albums were completely different than AFD....so who with any sense wouldn't expect a reunion album to be different as well? OBVIOUSLY they have evolved as musicians and people and a new album will reflect that. Will it sound like Chinese Democracy? - NO....will it sound like Appetite for Destruction? Of course not. But will it be the REAL Guns N' Roses? - YES.

Now that I am no longer a mod, I can finally speak my mind (and the truth) about the way I feel about the current state of the band. Personally, I liked Chinese Democracy very much and thought it was a great album. A great Axl Rose album - not a Guns N' Roses album. Unfortunately, everyone other than the members of this forum and perhaps a few other hundred thousand people, thought it was a complete disaster. It didn't have to be that way. If Axl Rose would have been a little more un - anti-social around the release, promotion and touring associated with it, it would have been much more successful. Someone forgot to tell Axl that in this day in age, the music no longer sells itself, it just doesn't. And neither does his name alone nor the Guns N' Roses legacy.

I can't find any reason for the band not to reunite. If Axl Rose has the least bit of dignity left, he will forgive whatever issues he has with his former band mates and reunite the band. Not only will he be doing a service for his own self awareness but he will heal any wounds that have been caused by years of name calling, bashing, etc. Not to mention the fact that it probably be the best, most anticipated rock album and tour of the last 20 years.

This band isn't Guns and Roses but a reunion won't do anything to rescue the band's legacy I genuinely think it's to late for that but I like some of the new stuff so I'm not craving a reunion.

Now that I am no longer a mod, I can finally speak my mind (and the truth) about the way I feel about the current state of the band.

I found this part of your post to be more interesting than any other though. Why would your previous status as a mod mean you were unable to voice your opinion on the band? I know what a lot of people think about the whole situation with Eric but I didn't know the mod team were under orders not to voice their true opinions.

We weren't under orders per say but we were given guidelines to back the band, not bash the band, etc. Pretty normal, imo. You can't really have a moderator of a fan forum not backing the band that the forum is about, can you?

Edited by Kasanova King
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