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For those who claim that the band wasn't getting pelted with glass bottles in Dublin...

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Guest gunns5
Posted (edited)


that clears that cold case up.... roll on Rio...

Edited by gunns5

could you please point out the part where glass bottles where being thrown? I don't really want to watch 9 minutes of nonsense.


They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

Guest gunns5

They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

I agree with you.

Cause all we got is precious time.

you know,

there was a time

to know this info, and it was last year


They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

Someone threw a beer at Angus Young,care to defend them as well?


They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

Someone threw a beer at Angus Young,care to defend them as well?

what the hell does that have to do with anything..


They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

Someone threw a beer at Angus Young,care to defend them as well?

when did he defend them, he said it's "unacceptable behavior" perhaps you missed that part?

Posted (edited)

They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

i agree, it is unacceptable behavior, but all this could be avoided if Axl would take the stage in a reasonable amount of time.

I think one of the worse things a person can do to another is waste their time.

Someone threw a beer at Angus Young,care to defend them as well?

what the hell does that have to do with anything..

Acting the fool or just trolling?

Are you two fucking retarded or maybe you have comprehension problems or some shit.

I said, "It was unacceptable behavior.."

Jesus christ, you two idiots just prove my theory on how certain people on here don't actually read what a poster writes, they read what they want.

**double face palm**

Edited by SunnyDRE
Guest siliconmessiah
Posted (edited)

Sailaway and Volcano might very likely be the same persons, aka. multiposter.

In many posts they use the same terms when they are name calling people (calling people "butt hurt", and asking if they want some "butt cream") and trolling around on this board.

Edited by siliconmessiah
Guest siliconmessiah
Posted (edited)

Sailaway and Volcano might very likely be the same persons, aka. multiposter.

In many posts they use the same terms when they are name calling people (calling people "butt hurt", and asking if they want some "butt cream") and trolling around on this board.

Actually we are twin brothers living in Tahiti :rolleyes:


And not only that. It´s also only the Sailaway/Volcano-poster that for some reason keeps on calling Slash for Saul.

I have no idea why, and gives no shit about it. But I think that people should know this, if they haven´t already found out.

Edited by siliconmessiah

If I was a performer or whatever that had to do shows in front of crowds of people you bet your ass if there is shit thrown at me I would shut it down unless they either stopped or I said fuck it.

I remember whatching an interview with Axl at some point after they played Donington back around 88 that they where told by I think it was Lemmy of Motorhead that they needed to control the crowd better because if people are throwing shit on the stage when they playing it makes it ok for the crowd to continue throwing shit at the bands that play after them. They where not talking about t-shirts and stuff like that it was the stuff that could hurt someone.

And ever since then they took hard stance against objects being thrown on the stage.

Can you blame them? No, but more times than not Axl will give the crowd one chance to stop if they don't he leaves simple as that.

I know GNR going on late is a problem most bring up but just becasue they are late why throw stuff. You bought your ticket now you throwing things that could end the show for the whole crowd, not to smart.

If I seen someone throwing shit I would handle it because I don't want the show fucked up. But that may get me thrown out but it is better than standing there with a thumb up my ass thinking this person needs to stop of the show is going to be over.

Yes GNR need to be on time.

If they where would fans not throw things very doubtfull, beer or whatever and being in a crowd of people cause bad things to happen.

In some peoples eyes being on time would stop everything which is complete BS.

Guest siliconmessiah

You mad bro?



Are you two fucking retarded or maybe you have comprehension problems or some shit.

I said, "It was unacceptable behavior.."

You also said that it could be avoided if Axl wasn't late.

James and Angus weren't late and both were hit by those bottles.

No excuse.


My main point for posting this video was that :

While I don't think Axl coming late is helping at all and that I would hate to see my concert cancelled ( the Parisian show I was at went ok, thank God, but people were pissed and shouting for a refrund until Chinese Democracy started ) because people throw shit at the band, I don't think the band had any choice but to leave the stage. I mean, glass bottles is fucked up. :shrugs:

But it looks like I've opened a can of worms. Should have known better.

Posted (edited)

My main point for posting this video was that :

While I don't think Axl coming late is helping at all and that I would hate to see my concert cancelled ( the Parisian show I was at went ok, thank God, but people were pissed and shouting for a refrund until Chinese Democracy started ) because people throw shit at the band, I don't think the band had any choice but to leave the stage. I mean, glass bottles is fucked up. :shrugs:

But it looks like I've opened a can of worms. Should have known better.

You're right, they had no choice to leave. It's good you posted this because I recall very clearly there is a mod on another forum that insists that plastic cups (and/or bottles) were thrown on stage and there was no significant risk to the band.

This whole "it's not right, BUT it could be avoided if Axl went on stage on time" thing that many like Sunny have said is a bit ridiculous. If it is wrong to throw bottles at a band, it is wrong, period. It doesn't matter if they were late or not. Them being late does not give you the right to throw bottles at them.


**Edit: I was reminded that only plastic bottles were sold at the venue. I understand this. However, I don't think that prohibits the possibility that glass bottles were brought into the venue. In looking at the video The Glow Inc. posted, I think the bottle that is picked up at the 6:47 mark could very well be a glass bottle :shrugs: **

Edited by Ali

They were.

It's a year later. Does it really matter?

Yes it matters. It's unacceptable behavior.

Well duh. I meant it's an old issue. It's like still being pissed about St. Louis in 91


There's better video than that. You can clearly things were being thrown at him. It's pathetic really that some people incorporated it into their usual lame tired trolling.


I was recently at an outdoor STP concert. We got to see the set list ahead of time. Some dip wad threw a plastic cup of beer (I hope. I got hit with some spray) and it landed by Scott's feet. He looked at it, paused, then kicked it away. It was a shorter set. Supposed to do 2 encore songs, only did one. And missed a couple of songs earlier on the list. I think it threw him off.

Guest Len B'stard
Posted (edited)

Unacceptable behaviour?!?!?! :rofl-lol: Fuck right off with that unnacceptable behaviour, honestly, this makes me fuckin sick, how pathetic, how much of a fucking panty waist do you have to be to fuckin run off stage cuz bottles are being thrown, the stage is your fuckin domain and you're just gonna leave it like that? Pathetic. And before this comes off like a wa-hey lets bag on Axl thing, i hate when loads of other artists i like do it, Snoop, 50 Cent, i think it's absolutely pathetic.

Yeah you're all fuckin hard and like, proper bad men when you're in your studios writing the lyrics to your songs "don't you try to stop us noooww...cuz we will y'know, i'm not kidding, we'll leave!" but when it comes on top you just shit it. Pathetic. REALLY pathetic. People like Snoop, every other songs about fuckin doing some cunt over and he gets hit with a plastic bottle, a plastic fuckin bottle i ask you!!! I banged my head the shutters on a van yesterday whilst doing a house clearance, i bet that fuckin hurt more than a little plastic bottle, big fuckin deal.

Pussies. Honestly, this is how pathetic and like...sanitised rock n roll shows are getting. I think if an artists leaves cuz he gets a bottle thrown at him playing rock n roll music then you shouldn't pay the bastard, fuck em. Give as good as you get, thats the fuckin way. Honestly, fuckin wankers, spend all day putting their little rings and clever little bits of kit and fuckin eyeliner and all that, bunch of fuckin tarts, i'd like to see someone trying to bottle Johnny Thunders off the stage...or Henry Rollins...or Iggy Pop...come for Ig' you getter come for fuckin blood.

You wanna talk like a rock n roller you better damn well fuckin walk it too. Bullshit, absolute bullshit. Believe it or not, you win a crowd over if you can take their shit. The Pistols did...sort of :lol: Fuck that, show em you mean business like they mean business. and yeah yeah yeah you can go on with your pussy assed St Johns Ambulance bullshit about "what if it hits someones eyeeeeee, what if it blinds someone n then they can't see anymore n they can't work to feed their fuckin famillllllllies" and it's like, oK, so you wanna be rock n rollers, you wanna be big and tough and right songs that makes skinny little boys dicks hard in their bedrooms but when it comes to the fuckin real thing, you pack up your tents and fuck off home just cuz someone throws something at you, ITS A GIIGGG, so what if it's fuckin rowdy, don't make a bed you can't fuckin lie in with your lyrics and your attitude and your stance and the entire image you presenting that got you where you're at. "Lemme see y'try!" Yeah, uh, they kinda did Axl and you shit it everytime.

I mean can you imagine some fuckin hardcore gig in the 80s and bands like Fear and The Dead Kennedys or Black Flag or whatever stopping a gig and going "excuse me...cut, hold it please...now, someone just threw a rock onstage. Thats REALLY immature. You realise that could've hurt someone, do you?!?! Then we'd've had to've found someone qualified in First Aid to rub the bump on their head and kiss it better and you'd've ruined allllllll these good peopleses fun. Think man, just think before you do things. Think what your mother would think if she saw you doing that now" it's like, ugh, just fuck off :lol:

The main reason why people like Axl and what have you REALLY don't like getting stuff thrown at them is as base and puerile as this. It embarasses them. Thats the fact of it, it embarasses them, like when you go red when someone makes you look a cunt in public. I mean you're dancing and trying to be sexy and snake hipped and then WHAM, a plastic bottle on your head, you look a cunt, there is a smattering of 'ooooooh's' and laughter from the crowd and suddenly, you're 8 years old again, in the schoolyard getting bullied. It's got fuck all to do with peoples safety cuz quite frankly if peoples safety was any of theirs fuckin priority then they'd rather carry on and risk the 8 people onstage getting injured surely than cancel a gig and walk out and cause a riot and risk possibly hundreds of people getting injured. Thats what it's really about, it's that they're fuckin tarts and primadonnas. You can tell by their clench-arsed reactions.

Hoes is what they are, they wanna sit up in the hills in their big fuckin mansions, pontificating and patronising the general fuckin public with their bullshit and overinflated sense of self but the minute they have to get down there on street level they wanna go running back to their private jets and fuckin ribeye steaks and chilled whiskeys, fuck that. This is why rock n roll is fucking dead and unexciting, cuz the fuckin grandads are in charge, it's a fuckin skank.

I mean seriously, really, whats the worst they're gonna do? And if you're that afraid, why choose an occupation that requires you to get up onstage in front of thousands of people, if you're actually that bad of a shitter, why bother, i wouldn't. Honestly, have some fuckin pride.

I saw this old newspaper from one of the early sex pistols gigs, the first ones in America where they like, went to fuckin cowboy bars down south instead of like...L.A., NY etc and the headline is "Pistols win San Antonio Shootout", how fuckin glorious is that? :):):) Hows that for fuckin bottle, 4 skinny little 19/20 yr old boys from London standing in front of about a couple of thousand irate fuckin cowboys goading them and getting bottles and fuckin pig noses and full beer cans and dead rats and all sorts of fuckin shit slung at em and they never gave a fuckin inch, not once, in fact they fuckin goaded them, calling them person cowboys and chiding them about their choice of ammunition "keep throwing up the money! Cameras, can we have a couple of cameras?" And this is 4 emaciated lads from England that were living on the dole and in squat 9 months beforehand.

And then there's big bad Axl Rose and 50 Cent and all their fuckin....working out in the gym and doing kick-boxing and they're fuckin muscles all over the place, built like fuckin tanks, giving it large and cultivating these bad boy reputations and all it takes is *doink* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...was that an Evian bottle? mmmmmm, you people are meanie-beans, i don't wanna play with you anymoooreee *pouts and shuffles off*

Our survey says.....


I rate the fuckin Irish, they don't give a fuck. Every band since the 70s worth their salt goes the best place, the best gigs were like, Belfast, those people fuckin turn up, they get involved and they don't take no shit from no one and they got a bullshit detector, set it off and they see right through you. You don't take the piss out of the paddys without knowing about it.

Edited by sugaraylen

Unacceptable behaviour?!?!?! :rofl-lol: Fuck right off with that unnacceptable behaviour, honestly, this makes me fuckin sick, how pathetic, how much of a fucking panty waist do you have to be to fuckin run off stage cuz bottles are being thrown, the stage is your fuckin domain and you're just gonna leave it like that? Pathetic. And before this comes off like a wa-hey lets bag on Axl thing, i hate when loads of other artists i like do it, Snoop, 50 Cent, i think it's absolutely pathetic.

Yeah you're all fuckin hard and like, proper bad men when you're in your studios writing the lyrics to your songs "don't you try to stop us noooww...cuz we will y'know, i'm not kidding, we'll leave!" but when it comes on top you just shit it. Pathetic. REALLY pathetic. People like Snoop, every other songs about fuckin doing some cunt over and he gets hit with a plastic bottle, a plastic fuckin bottle i ask you!!! I banged my head the shutters on a van yesterday whilst doing a house clearance, i bet that fuckin hurt more than a little plastic bottle, big fuckin deal.

Pussies. Honestly, this is how pathetic and like...sanitised rock n roll shows are getting. I think if an artists leaves cuz he gets a bottle thrown at him playing rock n roll music then you shouldn't pay the bastard, fuck em. Give as good as you get, thats the fuckin way. Honestly, fuckin wankers, spend all day putting their little rings and clever little bits of kit and fuckin eyeliner and all that, bunch of fuckin tarts, i'd like to see someone trying to bottle Johnny Thunders off the stage...or Henry Rollins...or Iggy Pop...come for Ig' you getter come for fuckin blood.

You wanna talk like a rock n roller you better damn well fuckin walk it too. Bullshit, absolute bullshit. Believe it or not, you win a crowd over if you can take their shit. The Pistols did...sort of :lol: Fuck that, show em you mean business like they mean business. and yeah yeah yeah you can go on with your pussy assed St Johns Ambulance bullshit about "what if it hits someones eyeeeeee, what if it blinds someone n then they can't see anymore n they can't work to feed their fuckin famillllllllies" and it's like, oK, so you wanna be rock n rollers, you wanna be big and tough and right songs that makes skinny little boys dicks hard in their bedrooms but when it comes to the fuckin real thing, you pack up your tents and fuck off home just cuz someone throws something at you, ITS A GIIGGG, so what if it's fuckin rowdy, don't make a bed you can't fuckin lie in with your lyrics and your attitude and your stance and the entire image you presenting that got you where you're at. "Lemme see y'try!" Yeah, uh, they kinda did Axl and you shit it everytime.

I mean can you imagine some fuckin hardcore gig in the 80s and bands like Fear and The Dead Kennedys or Black Flag or whatever stopping a gig and going "excuse me...cut, hold it please...now, someone just threw a rock onstage. Thats REALLY immature. You realise that could've hurt someone, do you?!?! Then we'd've had to've found someone qualified in First Aid to rub the bump on their head and kiss it better and you'd've ruined allllllll these good peopleses fun. Think man, just think before you do things. Think what your mother would think if she saw you doing that now" it's like, ugh, just fuck off :lol:

The main reason why people like Axl and what have you REALLY don't like getting stuff thrown at them is as base and puerile as this. It embarasses them. Thats the fact of it, it embarasses them, like when you go red when someone makes you look a cunt in public. I mean you're dancing and trying to be sexy and snake hipped and then WHAM, a plastic bottle on your head, you look a cunt, there is a smattering of 'ooooooh's' and laughter from the crowd and suddenly, you're 8 years old again, in the schoolyard getting bullied. It's got fuck all to do with peoples safety cuz quite frankly if peoples safety was any of theirs fuckin priority then they'd rather carry on and risk the 8 people onstage getting injured surely than cancel a gig and walk out and cause a riot and risk possibly hundreds of people getting injured. Thats what it's really about, it's that they're fuckin tarts and primadonnas. You can tell by their clench-arsed reactions.

Hoes is what they are, they wanna sit up in the hills in their big fuckin mansions, pontificating and patronising the general fuckin public with their bullshit and overinflated sense of self but the minute they have to get down there on street level they wanna go running back to their private jets and fuckin ribeye steaks and chilled whiskeys, fuck that. This is why rock n roll is fucking dead and unexciting, cuz the fuckin grandads are in charge, it's a fuckin skank.

I mean seriously, really, whats the worst they're gonna do? And if you're that afraid, why choose an occupation that requires you to get up onstage in front of thousands of people, if you're actually that bad of a shitter, why bother, i wouldn't. Honestly, have some fuckin pride.

I saw this old newspaper from one of the early sex pistols gigs, the first ones in America where they like, went to fuckin cowboy bars down south instead of like...L.A., NY etc and the headline is "Pistols win San Antonio Shootout", how fuckin glorious is that? :):):) Hows that for fuckin bottle, 4 skinny little 19/20 yr old boys from London standing in front of about a couple of thousand irate fuckin cowboys goading them and getting bottles and fuckin pig noses and full beer cans and dead rats and all sorts of fuckin shit slung at em and they never gave a fuckin inch, not once, in fact they fuckin goaded them, calling them person cowboys and chiding them about their choice of ammunition "keep throwing up the money! Cameras, can we have a couple of cameras?" And this is 4 emaciated lads from England that were living on the dole and in squat 9 months beforehand.

And then there's big bad Axl Rose and 50 Cent and all their fuckin....working out in the gym and doing kick-boxing and they're fuckin muscles all over the place, built like fuckin tanks, giving it large and cultivating these bad boy reputations and all it takes is *doink* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...was that an Evian bottle? mmmmmm, you people are meanie-beans, i don't wanna play with you anymoooreee *pouts and shuffles off*

Our survey says.....


I rate the fuckin Irish, they don't give a fuck. Every band since the 70s worth their salt goes the best place, the best gigs were like, Belfast, those people fuckin turn up, they get involved and they don't take no shit from no one and they got a bullshit detector, set it off and they see right through you. You don't take the piss out of the paddys without knowing about it.

Probably one of the most idiotic posts I've ever read. You have to consider the fact that if you stand there and take people throwing things at you, no matter what it is, you are giving tacit approval to that behavior and you are setting the stage for escalation. :rolleyes:



Actually, I think sugar had it right, if you prove that you can take it and give an awesome performance people are likely to respect that and stop.. if you stop Welcome to the fucking Jungle halfway through and walk off people are WAY more likely to continue throwing shit when/if you come back.

I think you both have it wrong. You train people on how to treat you and if you stand there and take shit being thrown at you, you are training them to think it is o.k. People don't stop a behavior unless there are consequences.


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