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Where is the demand for IRS??


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I think the lyrics are really great the way they flow and how honest and direct they are....but I think that musically it's some sort of a weird hybrid between a ballad and a rocker and it kind of annoys me that I don't know how to feel about the track...also I think some of the live performances have been better than the studio vocals on the record...just a personal preference I guess...I do appreciate the big scream...that's my favorite part for sure

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I think we all agree they need to be playing more CD songs, its bullshit in my opinion..who gives a fuck about knockin on heavens door and live and let die, and who cares about dont cry, fuckin lame...play the newest shit

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It was one of my favorite CD tracks, and I felt that it was better live than on the disc.

BUT... think about how much the leaks were 'played out', and then realize IRS was the first one. I must have had that on repeat for days.

I guess I'd like to hear it but I don't miss it yet. =)

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I think we all agree they need to be playing more CD songs, its bullshit in my opinion..who gives a fuck about knockin on heavens door and live and let die, and who cares about dont cry, fuckin lame...play the newest shit

TONS of fans care about Don't Cry. It was another song constantly getting requested for years, and it's finally getting played regularly after 4 years of a jam version being hit or miss. I can't wait to see it live.

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I think we all agree they need to be playing more CD songs, its bullshit in my opinion..who gives a fuck about knockin on heavens door and live and let die, and who cares about dont cry, fuckin lame...play the newest shit

TONS of fans care about Don't Cry. It was another song constantly getting requested for years, and it's finally getting played regularly after 4 years of a jam version being hit or miss. I can't wait to see it live.

I do know TONS of fans want to hear it live, i just wanna hear the new shit badly. I understand though

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They dont do IRS live because it's a hard song for Axl to do justice to live, especially in the midst of 20-something other songs. IRS has big high screams, but also lots of vocal nuances that Axl cant pull off if he's even slightly out of breath or struggling to be heard over the music.

The vocals are so great it's one of my faves on CD. I think he needs to sing it high and clear; the only gritty part is "gonna call the preeezident" once or twice. Played live the flanged guitars override Axl's vocals. Maybe cut down the guitars some. I really wanna hear all those awesome vocal parts - IRS is great in the way Estranged is as far as that goes - it really makes the song.

Another reason it isnt played live much is musically its intentions need to be clearer: "Is this an anthemic We Will Rock You kinda song? Wait no...is this...Rage Against the Machine? Whoa listen to this drum part, is this...Korn Beg for Me? Is this part where I'm supposed to jump? Woops, no. Fuck me." Again, the flanged droning sound contradicts the otherwise rockin attitude of the song.

They did a pretty good IRS at Bucharest, btw.

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song sucks like the rest of chin dem. thats why they only get roars when old songs are played. Chin dem is dead.

sorry mate


Yes people are going apeshit and sing along with Chinese Democracy every show because it's an old song.

People scream when Axl's nails the chorus of This I Love because it's an old song.


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