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GNR at Universal Orlando Halloween Horror Night


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I've been a lurker here for about 5 years, and just recently joined. I must say, I am seeing more and more about Guns N' Roses than I have ever before. A lot of it is negative, sure, but as they say, there's no such thing as bad press. Small things like this do add up, and hopefully help to contribute to a kick-ass US tour.

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I've been a lurker here for about 5 years, and just recently joined. I must say, I am seeing more and more about Guns N' Roses than I have ever before. A lot of it is negative, sure, but as they say, there's no such thing as bad press. Small things like this do add up, and hopefully help to contribute to a kick-ass US tour.


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The group scored one of the highest-selling debut albums of all time – Appetite for Destruction – which has sold more than 28 million copies worldwide to date and features iconic hits “Welcome To The Jungle,” “Sweet Child O’ Mine” and “Paradise City.”

Members of legendary hard rock band Guns N’ Roses DJ Ashba and Frank Ferrer showed an “appetite for destruction”

Those two had nothing to do with AFD, and were never part of the group behind that album. Mumbo jumbo all that way :D

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This isn't promo. This is the lesser-known members of the band enjoying their combination of time off and money, tweeting about it, and a blog picking up the story. I would love to be the person who gets in line at Starbucks or wherever before heading to get in the GA line and sees Dj and Dizzy in line ahead of them. Seen that type of pic a few times over the course of the Latin American leg.

Edited by axlslash
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Actually about 5 different outlets ran that story and photo. They all mention the gig so really it does promote the shows in FL.




More of the same. Just getting exposure like this - positive fun blurbs - is good for the tour.

Also DJ may be the "new" guy still but I wouldn't say he's lesser known due to his own following, relationship with Monster, and MC/Sixx:AM etc. He's exactly who they need making the rounds since Axl isn't a big fan of the press.

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