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Chris Pitman " I don't think people know what an original and cool guitar player he (Axl) really is,....those were fun times."

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Chris Pitman

‎..what a rare photo. Axl playing guitar on 'Maddy"live in Rio 2001, He wrote all the gtr parts, including lead gtr. I recorded him playing lots of awesome guitar parts back then, I don't think people know what an original and cool guitar player he really is,....those were fun times.

Also, Buckethead and Paul Tobias are truly awesome



Is the quote in the first post from Facebook? Is it a picture Chris posted and then commented on himself? When did he write this?

Yep, Chris posted this pic+comment on facebook, 6 hours ago.


Axl also wrote the guitar part for Shotgun Blues, Dead horse and also played on Mad-at-nascar in Vegas 2001.

Played on TWAT too.

Judging by the 'Dead Horse' video, he used to play guitar a lot for that song during the '93 shows


He's said numerous times he's not really good at it. It's cool to see him playing it, but I prefer Axl running' around and stuff :P


They could do a run of songs live where Axl is on guitar. Dead Horse, Shotgun blues, There was a time, Madagascar. The Axl EP.


They could do a run of songs live where Axl is on guitar. Dead Horse, Shotgun blues, There was a time, Madagascar. The Axl EP.

in a band with 3 guitarists, you want Axl to play guitar?


They could do a run of songs live where Axl is on guitar. Dead Horse, Shotgun blues, There was a time, Madagascar. The Axl EP.

That would be nice because according to many strange folks Chinese Democracy is the Axl LP


I think the main point is he WROTE lead and other guitar parts for Madgascar..

Indeed, which is very cool. I love Fortus' leads throughout the song, especially during the "If we ever find it's true..." bit, so kudos to Axl for writing those.

I must concur with one notion raised in this thread - bring back Dead Horse!

According to the UYI booklet though, Slash actually played the intro on the album. It's fun seeing Axl jam it with them in the 1993 performances.


I think the main point is he WROTE lead and other guitar parts for Madgascar..

Exactly! This blows up the arguement that the "S" word was responsible for every guitar melody,every nuance,note and riff.

Gotta love Chris :thumbsup:


I think the main point is he WROTE lead and other guitar parts for Madgascar..

Yeah, and also some leads on TWAT (I think the lead behind his own vocals on the 2nd verse).

I wonder if he actually recorded some lf those leads and if they made it to the final version.


What is a Slash? Is that some kind of high gravity beer?

Paul Tobias co-wrote IRS, and Back Off Bitch. Tobias is GN'R. Axl just wrote the gay pride ballads.

Plus Tobias is Latin for badass.


Besides Axl, all the existing comments we have on Paul Tobias (from Slash, Duff, and Matt) are all so negative; it actually caught me completely off guard to hear someone describe Paul as "awesome." On another note, does anyone know why he went from being called Paul Hughe to Paul Tobias?

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