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record store day 2012

cassette tape hiss

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i know it's a long shot but it doesn't have to be. i know that gnr management probably lurk around here as much as any of us........i think that a product should be whipped up in time for record store day 2012. a couple new songs would be amazing but i really do not think that will be an option. maybe a couple live songs from the last tour.....or even some live tracks from 2010 or even 2001.....

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Well wikiepedia says

'Record Store Day is an internationally celebrated day observed the third Saturday of April each year. Its purpose, as conceived by independent record store employee Chris Brown, is to celebrate the art of music'

Who is john Galt?

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record store day is when bands release limited edition collector vinyl to independent record stores......it's pretty nerdy but some really great stuff gets released!

record store day is when bands release limited edition collector vinyl to independent record stores......it's pretty nerdy but some really great stuff gets released!

last year i bought a 19 dollar beach boys 78rpm that i will never listen to.

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I would be pretty cool to have a reworked OMG or something new released as a Record Store Day thing. That way they wouldn't worry about having to spend a lot of money because they would make a limited amount, and it would get something new out there

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CD II on vinyl only.

Actually I'm a relic that actually owns LPs,and a functional turntable :shocked:

It's not just the relics that own LP's; I've got about 600 LP's, and 3 turntables! :thumbsup:

Glad to hear it Powerage,I was feeling a bit like a lone ranger.Sure I have a CD player on my system,but also a very functional turntable,and actual LPs,I haven't counted but they take up an entire corner of the room.

I went through the LP to 8-track,to cassette,to CD,and something was lost with LPs,the quality and the Album Art,I really enjoy the visual as well as the aural experience.

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Not to be negative but I think record store day is coming up way too soon for Gn'R to make any plans, never the less organize a physical release. Though we can judge their expediency in the next two weeks.. You never know, Billy Corgan and his Pumpkins had n event at Amoeba Records on Sunset last year, with a private show up the street.

If Gn'R performed at Amoeba, Hollywood would fucking be gridlocked and packed-- It would rule like Van Halen's video for Dreams.

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