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Slash & Axl will Reunite in 2013

Frozen Inferno

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the movie business with Ex2, The Tomb, The Last Stand, and The sequal to twins even. .

this is the man who chose YBCM to be on "T2" and got axl to RELEASE a song officially called Oh my God in "End of Days"

so Terminator franchise will be on its way and Arnold will call up Axl and get him to do business with slash to put together another tune for the movies soundtrack:

-New new gnr will come to an end. .

-Axl and Slash will be on top of the rock charts. then people will beg for a bucket axl reunion and release dates for CD 2, 3...

Edited by Frozen Inferno
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All I can say is time will tell.

I just hope that all original and new members of GNR have long happy lives and continue to play the music that they love.

Whatever band Axl Rose heads I will continue to support and see any chance I can.

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You're delusional and here's why.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the movie business with Ex2, The Tomb, The Last Stand, and The sequal to twins even. .

this is the man who chose YBCM to be on "T2" and got axl to RELEASE a song officially called Oh my God in "End of Days"

so Terminator franchise will be on its way and Arnold will call up Axl and get him to do business with slash to put together another tune for the movies soundtrack:

-New new gnr will come to an end. .

-Axl and Slash will be on top of the rock charts. then people will beg for a bucket axl reunion and release dates for CD 2, 3...

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the movie business with Ex2, The Tomb, The Last Stand, and The sequal to twins even. .

this is the man who chose YBCM to be on "T2" and got axl to RELEASE a song officially called Oh my God in "End of Days"

so Terminator franchise will be on its way and Arnold will call up Axl and get him to do business with slash to put together another tune for the movies soundtrack:

-New new gnr will come to an end. .

-Axl and Slash will be on top of the rock charts. then people will beg for a bucket axl reunion and release dates for CD 2, 3...


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Are you trying to say that the threat of the end of the world in Dec of 2012 will make $la$h realize his LYING ways?

Remember, these important facts:

1. Axl didn't reject all of the $nakepit stuff from $la$h. As Marc Cantor stated: Axl liked 3-4 songs but $la$h was being a bonehead about it (and then quit).

2. Axl invited $la$h to contribute to 3 songs on CD.

3. Marc Cantor stated: Axl was right ... $la$h is a LIAR. $la$h lies to make himself look "cool".

4. Axl says that all $la$h has to do is apologize and tell the TRUTH.

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Are you trying to say that the threat of the end of the world in Dec of 2012 will make $la$h realize his LYING ways?

Remember, these important facts:

1. Axl didn't reject all of the $nakepit stuff from $la$h. As Marc Cantor stated: Axl liked 3-4 songs but $la$h was being a bonehead about it (and then quit).

2. Axl invited $la$h to contribute to 3 songs on CD.

3. Marc Cantor stated: Axl was right ... $la$h is a LIAR. $la$h lies to make himself look "cool".

4. Axl says that all $la$h has to do is apologize and tell the TRUTH.

Love the $lash deal. Funny how your boy Axl continues to rely on the music cancer boy helped create. Do you think Axl could sell out my back yard without the AFD/UYI stuff? He could probably still sell out South America I admit, but let's see him tour with no Slash material. He couldn't do it.....he would make zero $$$$.

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What these fools don't understand: Slash back in GN'R wouldn't give us better new music! Slash was only the guy who did the solos. Just listen to everything he has ever done since quitting GN'R. Not a single song to remember ...

Bring back Izzy and Robin - and Duff, if you may. Oh, let's not forget about Brain, of course. But I just don't see any need for Slash ... he's easily replaceable. THERE! I SAID IT!!! WHOOHOO!!! :takethat:

Edited by A.J.
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