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New Ron interview, talks Vegas etc...

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thx GG

im trying to not make fun of the interviewer but he sounds like peter griffin when he had a stroke :lol:


Actually there is, Ron calls Axl a wise ass!?? in relation to Halloween tree and says they will dress up as Halloween trees and then he suggests the band dress up as different Axl's. Then goes through who in the band would dress up as Peanut's characters??? Axl would be Charlie Brown he says. Now it's gone so left field I'm not sure what they are saying.


Chris Pitman will play Linus and use his red towel as a blanket for midget groupie loving.

...and use the other side for a cumrag.


A Mock Charlie Brown thing.

Dizzy would have to be Shroeder... Pitman would be Snoopy. - paraphrasing Ron.

Ron wants to be the school teacher in Peanuts. and hide behind the stage and play wah wah guitar.

3 dates in India, show in Indonesia, not sure he might have said maybe Highlands? when they get back??? he was mumbling about shoveling snow.

The Future of GNR - so he starts talking about his solo stuff and TNT.


"With GNR it's a very physical, 3 hour shows, switching guitars, running around, more visual" then the solo acoustic which is all about what you hear.

A door bell goes in the background.

they talk about the importance of social media now and high ticket prices etc.

They talk about illegal downloading, how hard it is for new bands cos label can't afford to put them out on tour etc.

The irony of ticket prices being high but everyone downloads the album for free.

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