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has all the historic touring helped boost sales for chinese democracy?


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just curious if anyone has access to sales figures. has all the touring behind chinese democracy helped boost sales? since the album's dropped, they've played tons of shows and have cycled through most of the new songs live at one point. at every show, they play a good number of new songs. since CD songs don't get played on the radio too much, and axl didn't promote the release, it stands to reason that the live show would provide some fans' first exposure to the CD. so after all these shows, and especially the well-promoted, democracy-themed vegas gigs, has there been any noticeable impact on the album sales?

Edited by HisRoyalSweetness
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just curious if anyone has access to sales figures. has all the touring behind chinese democracy helped boost sales? since the album's dropped, they've played tons of shows and have cycled through most of the new songs live at one point. at every show, they play a good number of new songs. since CD songs don't get played on the radio too much, and axl didn't promote the release, it stands to reason that the live show would provide some fans' first exposure to the CD. so after all these shows, and especially the well-promoted, democracy-themed vegas gigs, has there been any noticeable impact on the album sales?

Inb4 someone tries claiming that the album isn't readily available for purchase - and that's why the touring hasn't significantly increased sales.

Good point, though. You'd think that a combined seven years of touring the same album would count as promotion. "Monumental promotion", at that.

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anyone know how many people they've played chinese democracy songs in front of? that's some seriously monumental promotion if you ask me. not only are they playing the songs before thousands of people a night, but thousands of gnr fans... people who had no problem paying a hundred bucks to go listen to gnr songs live. surely a good number of that audience would be just as eager to pay a measly 10 bucks for the album. assuming they liked the new songs even a tiny bit.

can anyone do the math? how many gnr fans have now heard cd performed live? some of these songs they've been promoting live for over a decade.

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Axl is slowly but surely introducing audiences to the new sound. Over time, this will bode well for the followup to Chinese Democracy.

"followup to Chinese Democracy"?!?!??!??!?! i seriously doubt we'll ever hear any new music from this brand again.

Edited by nambis
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anyone know how many people they've played chinese democracy songs in front of? that's some seriously monumental promotion if you ask me. not only are they playing the songs before thousands of people a night, but thousands of gnr fans... people who had no problem paying a hundred bucks to go listen to gnr songs live. surely a good number of that audience would be just as eager to pay a measly 10 bucks for the album. assuming they liked the new songs even a tiny bit.

can anyone do the math? how many gnr fans have now heard cd performed live? some of these songs they've been promoting live for over a decade.

It's an interesting point. I don't have the combined audience numbers, but they have so far played about 180 shows since the release of CD. If we allow for an average audience number of 8000 (this is hard to say with such a variation of shows form South American stadium tours, club tours, etc), it gives 1.440.000 people who have been exposed to songs off CD after its release. Based on this, I believe the touring has helped to maintain sale of CD, but I don't have any sales numbers to confirm it, although I feel it is rather self-explanatory.

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Can you actually buy this album outside US?


Care to at least say which country are you in? And how much does it cost?

Can you actually buy this album outside US?

Yes. Both physical and MP3.

My question was regarding the physical CD not virtual sales.

South East Asia..roughly USD15 converted.

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maybe we should go ahead and start claiming it's sold 5 million, since it's entirely likely that in the forthcoming future history of mankind, axl will manage to sell another couple million copies. especially if the price keeps going down. if you can get the CD for less than the cost of the raw materials, the album might become sought after by recyclers.

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