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Guns N' Roses Rock in Rio 2013


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It would be nice to have a proshot and a publicized GnR concert, but i doubt it will happen. Axl and the Rock In Rio promoter or whatever he is aren't talking and to be honest, I can see why. Rio 2004 they couldn't show up, 2006 wasn't too good, and 2011 was horrible, why would this one be better? Even in 2001, the band was good and axl was good on most songs, but on some old songs like SCOM you could tell he didn't want to play that song, he had ZERO emotion in it.

Edited by liers
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Axl and GNR need to take time off to see if they can write new music together as a band. I think touring non stop for over 2 years is enough.

Besides GNR had a bad experience last year, so I think taking time off will make the fans miss them and maybe respect them better next time and not throw shit at Axl.

Besides that festival is so damn big, I don't know how anyone can really enjoy a concert if you can't see or hear the band?

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As much as I hope that we get some new music, I sincerely hope that Guns tours Brazil and the markets that want to hear them as often as they can. South America first and then Asia and Europe next.

For one, Rock N' Roll in the US is dying or dead. It depresses me to hear hip hop/rap everywhere when the one of America's greatest cultural contributions to the world is not appreciated in the land of its birth. There are tens and thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands of people in many countries that would be thrilled to watch Guns again and again. Give them what they want.

If nothing else, it will force the band to become better, Axl to stay at the top of his game and let more people see what an exciting band Guns still is - it might even result in some new music. I see more chance of it happening this way, than if Axl stays resting in Malibu and everyone else is doing their own thing. His voice gets better the more he uses it and it would be a shame to net let all his fans enjoy his performances for as much as he can do his voice justice, for as long as he can.

Edited by The Archer
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so I think taking time off will make the fans miss them and maybe respect them better next time and not throw shit at Axl.


If nothing else, it will force the band to become better, Axl to stay at the top of his game and let more people see what an exciting band Guns still is -


Thank you both. Seriously. Both statements made me lol equally.

Edited by bringbackadler
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