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Breaking Bad and Dexter

Guest bellastar2355

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Guest bellastar2355

There are other good shows.

Do you have any suggestions? I heard Walking Dead is really good.. but it's not really something I'm interested in.... Boardwalk Empire looks like something I'd be interested in but I don't have HBO and netflixs is taking a long time...

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There are other good shows.

Do you have any suggestions? I heard Walking Dead is really good.. but it's not really something I'm interested in.... Boardwalk Empire looks like something I'd be interested in but I don't have HBO and netflixs is taking a long time...

TV Series? What Should I Be Watching? Recommendations Thread.

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Walking Dead is a rather inconsistent show. First half of the first season was great, second half... not so much. Second season was weak almost the entire way through; third season was better.

Justified is a fantastic show, so long as you can stick with the first half the season. After that the story starts to include multi-episode/season arcs.

I just started watching Boardwalk Empire over Christmas and it's one that I really like. The first episode, with Martin Scorsese directing, was fantastic. It helps knowing a thing or two about 1920s American, but not essential (I majored in American studies, so there were times I had to explain to my girlfriend some scenes that involved various political figures, but again, such knowledge isn't essential).

But if you're looking for another show that's dark and violent and wonderfully written, I highly recommend Sons of Anarchy. Fantastic show that's plot and character driven. I would say that Breaking Bad is slightly better, but not by much. Huge story arcs that take multiple seasons to conclude, it's so great.

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I highly recommend Sons of Anarchy. Fantastic show that's plot and character driven. I would say that Breaking Bad is slightly better, but not by much. Huge story arcs that take multiple seasons to conclude, it's so great.

I disagree.

Breaking Bad is far better because it had a direction throughout the entire series and it keeps me more interested.

I do like Sons of Anarchy, but the story just isn't as well written in my opinion. The first season was all over the place. The middle of the second season is when it started to pick up with

the clash of character between Jax and Clay

and the third season has been pretty good so far. I just have to say Breaking Bad is far stronger.

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I highly recommend Sons of Anarchy. Fantastic show that's plot and character driven. I would say that Breaking Bad is slightly better, but not by much. Huge story arcs that take multiple seasons to conclude, it's so great.

I disagree.

Breaking Bad is far better because it had a direction throughout the entire series and it keeps me more interested.

I do like Sons of Anarchy, but the story just isn't as well written in my opinion. The first season was all over the place. The middle of the second season is when it started to pick up with

the clash of character between Jax and Clay

and the third season has been pretty good so far. I just have to say Breaking Bad is far stronger.

I disagree with that assessment as the show's creator, Kurt Sutter, has always been adamant of having a six or seven season concept regarding Sons. Since it's loosely based on Hamlet, I'm not sure you can argue that the direction of the show in season 1 wasn't present in the first season. Jax and Clay were constantly butting heads in the first season (not to the same degree later on in the show, but if they're going to do seven seasons, things need to be stretched out a bit). I personally didn't mind the longer introduction. Also keep in mind there are many more characters in Sons than there are in Breaking Bad. This means more story lines to juggle.

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Maybe don't watch any TV if there's nothing worth watching? I only like Mad Men, so the only reason I turn the TV on is to watch an episode of season 5 that I bought on apple tv. I don't watch ANYTHING else. Not even the news. I feel much better not hearing about who was murdered, who was sued and who had their tits out for attention. :lol:

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Maybe don't watch any TV if there's nothing worth watching? I only like Mad Men, so the only reason I turn the TV on is to watch an episode of season 5 that I bought on apple tv. I don't watch ANYTHING else. Not even the news. I feel much better not hearing about who was murdered, who was sued and who had their tits out for attention. :lol:

Have you seen The Wire? It's from 2002 but it's one of the best shows ever imo.

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Maybe don't watch any TV if there's nothing worth watching? I only like Mad Men, so the only reason I turn the TV on is to watch an episode of season 5 that I bought on apple tv. I don't watch ANYTHING else. Not even the news. I feel much better not hearing about who was murdered, who was sued and who had their tits out for attention. :lol:

Have you seen The Wire? It's from 2002 but it's one of the best shows ever imo.

Actually I remember it playing here but I missed the first couple of episodes and was never really able to get into it. Maybe the fact that I had some pretty full on stuff going on in my life at the time I wasn't really able to concentrate on it (or much TV for that matter), but all the reviews and comments said it was amazing. Was it really from 2002? Holy shit. We're way behind in anything and everything then (or maybe my brain is misinterpreting the space of time :lol:), or perhaps a combination of both? Yep, I'd say that's it! :D

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I must be the only person who doesn't get the Game Of Thrones hype.

It definitely isn't for everyone.

The writing, acting, and directing on the show is phenomenal, though. I've never read the books so I have no idea how they compare to the TV show, all I know is, i'm glad that it has been made into one. Casting is great, too. Every character plays a great part. That is, if you can keep up with all of the character names :lol:

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Did anyone see the tudors? was that any good?

Yes, it was good. It's historically inaccurate (sometimes even surreal) but it's entertaining and catchy. Plenty of sex and romance too. And I think Jonathan Rhys Meyers did a really good job, big part of this series success is his, imo.

Oh! Btw, just for the record, have you people noticed that there is a TV series thread? :D

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