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Vegas DVD/Blu-Ray Discussion

Randy Lahey

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As much as I want it to, with past cancellations of so much stuff (O2 airing, CD re issue, delays on CD, etc) I'm not getting my hopes up. Hopefully this will be the turning around of GNR, and they can start releasing stuff a bit more frequently again.

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Naw, I don't. I think these rock fuel guys believe it will. But something, as per usual, will get lost in translation, and it will get botched just like every other thing that gets announced.

I'll only believe it if I see it on the shelves.

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If I lived my life hinged in Axl Rose, I would be worried, but the man has done enough. Lets hope, but enough with the black helicopters Randy. What is the statute of limitations of this board stirring up shit? My God, lets just wait and see. Go outside man.

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Dublin 2010 would be a better choice because then you could see the bottles flying in 3D.

St Louis 91 would be the best choice because you could see Axl flying through the air in 3D.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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Do you believe that this 3D blu ray will ever be officially released? I'm kind of on the fence. Can Slash or the old guys block this if they want to? I hope it happens, but I'm not counting on it.

Block it on what grounds? - performing songs created by Slash, Izzy, Adler, Duff..

I doubt they would block it, not unless they couldn't agree on a percentage of the profits, which i guess they would be entitled to.

If Slash can release a Blu-ray, why not GNR?

Maybe there is a fine line between calling something live, and what Axl wants to put out :D

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