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Fun fact about the band today


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Nah they are still in Eb standard - at least for most of the songs. Listen to the videos from the March 13th video, right off the bat I heard the low Eb.

They might play some of the CD tunes in standard though, I know they use drop D for the title track but that is nothing new

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weird, when I tried playing along to london O2 stream I had to tune my guitar up to straight E tuning instead of normal gnr Eb tuning ;)

Some of the CD songs are in standard but that isn't anything new. Chinese Democracy (title track) has always been in Drop D for example

Nothing has changed regarding the gutiar tunings

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weird, when I tried playing along to london O2 stream I had to tune my guitar up to straight E tuning instead of normal gnr Eb tuning ;)

Chinese Democracy the song is standard tuning

I think you will find it is played in dropped D tuning

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Although there is a fun fact about the old days - the 1988 performances of You're Crazy and Used to Love Her on the Late Show is performed in standard tuning - same with the acoustic 1988 CBGB's performance

I have also heard some of the boots from 85-86 that sound like they are performed in standard tuning but I don't know if they did or if it was just a tape tranferring issue that affected the speed of the recordings

As a musician I geek out at this stuff lol

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Also when the band played the Ritz in 1987 (not the famous filmed gig from 1988), they tuned down a whole step for what seems to have been the entire gig.

Yeah I have heard pieces of the gig on youtube and that jumped out at me

I don't know if they actually did or it is was just a tape transfer that resulted in the songs slowing down a bit - I would say the latter only because it would be odd for them to tune down for one gig lol

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weird, when I tried playing along to london O2 stream I had to tune my guitar up to straight E tuning instead of normal gnr Eb tuning ;)

Chinese Democracy the song is standard tuning

I think you will find it is played in dropped D tuning

Ya my bad

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Also when the band played the Ritz in 1987 (not the famous filmed gig from 1988), they tuned down a whole step for what seems to have been the entire gig.

Yeah I have heard pieces of the gig on youtube and that jumped out at me

I don't know if they actually did or it is was just a tape transfer that resulted in the songs slowing down a bit - I would say the latter only because it would be odd for them to tune down for one gig lol

I agree, I feel like its the tape transfer.

If anyone was wondering, there's only one time in GNR history where the band tuned down a song from it's original key.

This I Love right?
Yes, at one show in 2010. I forget what show but there is a video of it on YouTube.
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Metallica used Eb tuning for Load and Re-load. Look for the standard tuning versions on youtube...big difference.

I also like the bass enhanced Justice For All which tracks can also be found on youtube. You never hear that damn bass in Metallica's first 4-5 albums.

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Not to sound dumb, but can anyone explain this all to me? I can't read music like that! Thanks!

I'm in the same boat. Every time these guys start talking music, they are not music to my ears (or shall I say eyes, since I'm reading? Ha ha). I hope I'm at least half as knowledgeable so I can join in the conversation LOL.

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Not to sound dumb, but can anyone explain this all to me? I can't read music like that! Thanks!

I'm in the same boat. Every time these guys start talking music, they are not music to my ears (or shall I say eyes, since I'm reading? Ha ha). I hope I'm at least half as knowledgeable so I can join in the conversation LOL.

Lemme try to somewhat explain this lol

Guitars have a "universal" tuning that is considered to be the default tuning for guitars. From the lowest to highest in standard tuning the strings are tuned to E-A-D-G-B-E.

When you "tune down" you are lowering the pitch of these strings (making them sound lower) - a half step just means exactly one note down. So E beomes Eb - the next lowest note. So Eb standard tuning would be Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb, meaning every string is lowered by exactly one note.

So let's say you are playing a note on the third fret of the low E string in standard tuning (which is G) - in order to play that exact same pitch in Eb tuning you have to play it on the 4th fret then because since the string is lower you have to compensate by playing higher up. But this tuning also allows for you to play a Gb major like you would a G in the 'normal' standard tuning, same with any other chord

Guns N' Roses almost exclusively used Eb standard tuning in the old days. On Chinese Democracy a variety of tunings are used such as Drop D tuning (only tuning the low E string down by a step making it D), normal "standard tuning", and a few others.

It is challenging trying to explain it to non-musicians so I hope this helps you :)

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