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John Lydon gets into a barney with a bunch of Aussies

Guest Len B'stard

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Ok...I just saw the whole video. Whoever thought that was sexist is an idiot. It doesn't seem serious to me.

But I hope this wasn't on purpose.

The whole primadonnaish love-me posturing plus condescending "shut-up-little-boys-and-girls and-kiss-my-ass, I'm Johnny Rotten" routine is pretty pathetic and tedious.

Couldn't live up to his "I tell it like it is" schtick when it came to being asked about Thatcher...

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Where's his accent from Sugaraylen?

He was a real pig and extremely rude, apparently it's not put on from what people who have met him have said. Love the way Hughsey just says "we'll let you go mate, bye" :laugh:

By the way, nobody has commented on how "fat" he's become!!! :bitchfight:

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I'm not really sure how to take the whole thing really. It almost didn't seem serious but then he was. Basically I think he was taking the piss and the Project crew didn't know how to take it or run with it. I find them a generally unfunny bunch of people anyway. Carrie Bickmore and that doctor guy are two of the most annoying people on TV, I can't stand them, so good on you John! (even if you did come off like a twat in the process). :lol:

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Do not interrupt men or women. I think what was the most irritating part of the video was the "ALRIGHT!" when John was describing his background and class (quite personal) and to have some television presenter cut-in and be all like, trying to challenge him. He probs had ear-piece difficulties though. He's not sexist he hates everyone the same.

It's a crying shame, people will run with this and cast John off just like that, he's got insane, Godly amounts of wisdom and is a top guy.

There are some awesome interviews around on youtube.

Edited by ColdHeartBreaker
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Do not interrupt men or women. I think what was the most irritating part of the video was the "ALRIGHT!" when John was describing his background and class (quite personal) and to have some television presenter cut-in and be all like, trying to challenge him. He probs had ear-piece difficulties though. He's not sexist he hates everyone the same.

It's a crying shame, people will run with this and cast John off just like that, he's got insane, Godly amounts of wisdom and is a top guy.

There are some awesome interviews around on youtube.

I agree. But you can always depend on the media to take one small snippet, misconstrue it and paint a picture of a monster which is so far from the truth. It's a shame that a stupid scenario like that took the spotlight over the genuinely interesting views he has. He's a unique guy and they fully missed the point there.

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Guest Len B'stard

Where's his accent from Sugaraylen?

He was a real pig and extremely rude, apparently it's not put on from what people who have met him have said. Love the way Hughsey just says "we'll let you go mate, bye" :laugh:

By the way, nobody has commented on how "fat" he's become!!! :bitchfight:

John has done, multiple times, at the beginnings of gigs with the immortal words "FAT, 50 AND BACK!" :lol: The accents from North London, Finsbury Park, Islington.

And as far as John getting written off for this, he's said a lot worse, watch:

He was accused of racism for that one :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

He has become a bit of a conservative in his old age. I recall him calling the Queen a 'nice old dear'.

The idea is anti-the concept of monarchy as opposed to hating the actual people, i mean they are as born into it as the working class are born into their thing, we're all victims in that regard. John is a humanitarian.

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I'm not really sure how to take the whole thing really. It almost didn't seem serious but then he was. Basically I think he was taking the piss and the Project crew didn't know how to take it or run with it. I find them a generally unfunny bunch of people anyway. Carrie Bickmore and that doctor guy are two of the most annoying people on TV, I can't stand them, so good on you John! (even if you did come off like a twat in the process). :lol:

It would've gone better if he was in the studio, he couldn't see them and it was prob. the sound guy's fault for it being too loud for him. He's had a history of playing it up in interviews before, but this was just someone getting irritated with the hosts. Joan Rivers & Sharon Osbourne would've cursed them out.

Lydon can be a diva...

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He has become a bit of a conservative in his old age. I recall him calling the Queen a 'nice old dear'.

The idea is anti-the concept of monarchy as opposed to hating the actual people, i mean they are as born into it as the working class are born into their thing, we're all victims in that regard. John is a humanitarian.

I think this is spin. Lydon is now a die-in-the-wool monarchist haha. Listen, Jagger was as rebelious as Johnny was in the late 60s and now we are supposed to address him as 'Sir Mick'. It happens to them all.

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The whole primadonnaish love-me posturing plus condescending "shut-up-little-boys-and-girls and-kiss-my-ass, I'm Johnny Rotten" routine is pretty pathetic and tedious.

Couldn't live up to his "I tell it like it is" schtick when it came to being asked about Thatcher...

Marketing is the word.

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Guest Len B'stard

He has become a bit of a conservative in his old age. I recall him calling the Queen a 'nice old dear'.

The idea is anti-the concept of monarchy as opposed to hating the actual people, i mean they are as born into it as the working class are born into their thing, we're all victims in that regard. John is a humanitarian.

I think this is spin. Lydon is now a die-in-the-wool monarchist haha. Listen, Jagger was as rebelious as Johnny was in the late 60s and now we are supposed to address him as 'Sir Mick'. It happens to them all.

Jagger weren't shit compared to Lydon in my opinion and...you could call it spin if it wasn't consistent with what he's always said about the situation. The song God Save the Queen isn't an attack on the Queen as a person, I mean, if it was it'd be ridiculous, wouldn't it? It would be the musical equivalent of mugging a granny, it's an attack on the establishment and a Queen as a representative of said establishment but the Queen herself, Elizabeth Windsor as a person solely, outside of the aforementioned context, I mean, the song doesn't criticise her dress sense or the way she treats members of her family, there's nothing about it thats personal in the sense of it being about aspects of her personality and character, this is something he's maintained consistently whenever pulled up on the subject.

John is was and has always been a humanitarian. It's like anybody, the pope, margaret thatcher, whoever, when they're attacked they are attacked based on the establishment they represent, otherwise the popes just some old bloke and Thatcher is just a greengrocers daughter from, i believe, Grantham, what would be the point?

God Save the Queen is not a hateful song, it's born of love, love for England and the people of it and being, to quote the man himself, fed up of them being mistreated.

John is not and cannot ever be establishment, for as long as he makes the kind of music he does (and i mean that sonically as well as the message/content of the music) he can't possibly. One of the more prominent points to back up that assertion being that if he was establishment, he'd have a record deal, which he doesn't, if he had any sort of establishment standing or recognition then he wouldn't have to operate in the way he does. And God bless him for it, the scatty bastard.

I don't think anyones listened to God Save the Queen and not understood that it isn't an attack on an old lady, it's an attack on or rather an indictment of a system and quite frankly if it occupies the position it does based on people buying it BECAUSE they think it's an attack solely and exclusively on said old lady with the shiny hat then the songs not really achieved what it set out to do but i don't think anybody looks at the song and interprets it on that level.

Jagger is nothing compared to John Lydon in terms of that sort of anti-establishment resonance, never could be.

Edited by sugaraylen
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He has become a bit of a conservative in his old age. I recall him calling the Queen a 'nice old dear'.

The idea is anti-the concept of monarchy as opposed to hating the actual people, i mean they are as born into it as the working class are born into their thing, we're all victims in that regard. John is a humanitarian.

I think this is spin. Lydon is now a die-in-the-wool monarchist haha. Listen, Jagger was as rebelious as Johnny was in the late 60s and now we are supposed to address him as 'Sir Mick'. It happens to them all.

Jagger weren't shit compared to Lydon in my opinion and...you could call it spin if it wasn't consistent with what he's always said about the situation. The song God Save the Queen isn't an attack on the Queen as a person, I mean, if it was it'd be ridiculous, wouldn't it? It would be the musical equivalent of mugging a granny, it's an attack on the establishment and a Queen as a representative of said establishment but the Queen herself, Elizabeth Windsor as a person solely, outside of the aforementioned context, I mean, the song doesn't criticise her dress sense or the way she treats members of her family, there's nothing about it thats personal in the sense of it being about aspects of her personality and character, this is something he's maintained consistently whenever pulled up on the subject.

John is was and has always been a humanitarian. It's like anybody, the pope, margaret thatcher, whoever, when they're attacked they are attacked based on the establishment they represent, otherwise the popes just some old bloke and Thatcher is just a greengrocers daughter from, i believe, Grantham, what would be the point?

God Save the Queen is not a hateful song, it's born of love, love for England and the people of it and being, to quote the man himself, fed up of them being mistreated.

John is not and cannot ever be establishment, for as long as he makes the kind of music he does (and i mean that sonically as well as the message/content of the music) he can't possibly. One of the more prominent points to back up that assertion being that if he was establishment, he'd have a record deal, which he doesn't, if he had any sort of establishment standing or recognition then he wouldn't have to operate in the way he does. And God bless him for it, the scatty bastard.

I don't think anyones listened to God Save the Queen and not understood that it isn't an attack on an old lady, it's an attack on or rather an indictment of a system and quite frankly if it occupies the position it does based on people buying it BECAUSE they think it's an attack solely and exclusively on said old lady with the shiny hat then the songs not really achieved what it set out to do but i don't think anybody looks at the song and interprets it on that level.

Jagger is nothing compared to John Lydon in terms of that sort of anti-establishment resonance, never could be.

I'm pretty sure that's the way the song was taken in the day, I don't think the real punk movement made it big in Australia but of course the Sex Pistols were very well known and the band everyone loved to hate. I was in my late teens when they were big & did like Pretty Vacant - still like it.

Teens have always wanted to rebel whether it's the hippies, the heavy rock, the punk movement etc.

Interesting he calls himself working class, not having a class system I don't quite understand how it is determined what you need to be to have certain classes - is being born into a rich family "upper class", the average working family "working class"? Are they the only 2 or is there more?

When in London in the late 80s there were still punks around with mohawks & safety pins in their ears so it stayed around quite a long time after the punk music finished.

Edited by rock4eva
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Guest Len B'stard

The class system exists all over the world, it's just the English one (as well as a few others, mainly European) is older and more firmly established but it exists all over the world. Broadly, working class work for the firm, middle class manage the firm, upper class own the firm, for a sort of broad appraisal of it all.

But America has it, Australia has it, people who have wealth fathered in, grandfathered in, great grandfathered in, attend elite schools where you're primed to become captains of industry or politicians or whatever, thats your upper class.

It's all to do with how old your bank balance is really, the idea being that if it's old enough it effects the blood in your body. All cultures have it really, it's just the younger the culture the more the parameters of it are more modern i.e. centred around money whereas the older cultures it becomes something to do with your breeding, like caste systems in Asia or the class system in England, hence the concept of like, destitute aristocracy.

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Which may have happened in the UK. First with the new aristocrats like the pop stars and media types that vame about in the 60s. The James Bond set. Working class flying to exotic locations dominating foreign wimmin. Jagger, beatles, connery etc.

Then in the 90s footballers, agents became top earners like in mansions. They are still working class.

While the uppervlasses are often living in tumbling down castles with land losing money. Its more country living on a shoestring. Some turn their estates over to gov. One near by sold it to some american microsoft guy and moved into a cottage. Still upperclass. Maybe their kids will be middle class but never really suburban. The cut glass accent and going to horse and polo really never stops.

Beckham may have jumped from bottom to top. His kids maybe like mixing with upperclass, the kids of the new aristocrats.

Its always funny when rappers go shooting. You dont need an AK to take out a patridge.

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