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Why are my topics being moved and deleted?

Randy Lahey

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I understand if you guys find my Axl Rose Ice Cream and Pizza threads to be too bad ass for News and Discussion, but I can't figure out why my New GNR re-recording classic albums thread was moved, and my Axl phoning Lars about running a GNR 3D trailer before the Metallica movie starts thread was deleted. New GNR doesn't exactly give us much to work with as far as News and Discussion goes.

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New GNR doesn't exactly give us much to work with as far as News and Discussion goes.

I agree - while I find your threads pretty entertaining in general Randy, some of the more recent ones have been a little ridiculous.

If you want some of the less contentious threads to stay, the best suggestion I could give you is to stop making so many silly ones.

If you expended all that mental energy on trying to come up with thought provoking topics instead, I bet you could still come up with more than one a week despite the lack of anything new to discuss.

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