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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]

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From another site. I thought it was interesting.

Not really a spoiler, just a theory on what Felina means.

I have the answer

MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: I figured out the meaning of "Felina", the title of the finale, and the hidden message in the episode names (just like 737 down over ABQ in season 2) AGAIN, MAJOR SPOILER alert!

Notice that the finale of season 5.1 ("Gliding Over All" ) could have been called "271", the name of the Walt Whitman poem from which the actual title is derived. "Felina" is the elements Fe, Li, Na (as some people guessed), but that's the easy part. The title cards of Breaking Bad, like the periodic table, show the atomic numbers of each element (in the green squares). So Fe=26, Li=03, Na=11. So "Felina", as a number is 260311. But Felina is an anagram for Finale, so rearrange Felina (260311) to Finale (231106). Put the half-finale and the finale numbers together, and you get 271, 231, and 106. These are three titles of poems from the Whitman book from Gale that incriminated Walt. Ready for the answer? Drum roll, and... "Gliding Over All, To a Pupil and to a Common Prostitute." If you don't think this is a reference to Jesse and Wendy, the poem "To a pupil" references Jesse's idea about building a magnet, and the poem "To A Common Prostitute" tells the prostitute to remember the speaker's name.

I think the idea may have some merit but the interpretation is way off. I think something closer would be that the business is given to a pupil (Todd) and eventually, ends up in the hands of a common prostitute. (Could be a metaphor for Lidia, since she essentially prostitutes herself in a business sense, selling to the highest bidder, betraying the previous, etc.)

On a side note, I think there should be some major action in tonight's show...

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