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What the fuck is wrong with this band?


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Recently I have been having the feeling that they've just settled and accepted their position of "class nostalgic act", like they don't give a shit anymore as long as they're still able to perform a couple of concerts every few months and pack some smaller and smaller venues. I mean, what the hell does Pitman mean by "Not the right time and place"? In what world does he live in? Is he not seeing the fans struggling for new music every single week? God!

Fucking incredible.

I hope the entire Goddam next album leaks. This band really, truly, deserves it.

Couldn't have said it better. I just hope their entire material leaks on the internet and they're never able to catch the guy. The deserve it. Axl deserves it.

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I remember this same sentiment way back during the long wait for CD and someone said something to the effect that "they should download his ass all the way back to the SunSet Strip"....wait... that was me that said that.

Oh how I hoped that things were gonna be different. Ive been riding a bitch called hope for so fucking longggggggggggg

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I hope everything leaks. Everything. I hope they regret not having released the songs before. This sucks. This band is a joke. Literally every band members says they're on a different page. It's like they're not in the same fucking band. Fuck this. At this rate they'll be touring bars in 2015. And they deserve it.

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Someone should write TB a letter letting them know how we feel.

I get the feeling they will send back a three word response: "complaints, complaints, complaints"

The whole operations behind GNR right now is so out of touch and nonproductive it is ridiculous.

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I hope everything leaks. Everything. I hope they regret not having released the songs before. This sucks. This band is a joke. Literally every band members says they're on a different page. It's like they're not in the same fucking band. Fuck this. At this rate they'll be touring bars in 2015. And they deserve it.

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What the fuck is wrong with us would be a better question. We behave like battered wives. Go to a site like Womens Aid and read all the pointers of abuse, I bet we fit virtually every one. We should group together and sue for PTSD.

We could probably get government funding for our cause, set up a helpline for those affected adversely by GnR over the years. Bet there would be loads of take up, the people of St Louis, Bob Guciione Jr, Vince Neil...so on and so forth...

We could call it GIVE US A RING MOTHERFUCKER - A helpline for those affected by Slaxl abuse.

Whose in?

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What the fuck is wrong with us would be a better question. We behave like battered wives. Go to a site like Womens Aid and read all the pointers of abuse, I bet we fit virtually every one. We should group together and sue for PTSD.

We could probably get government funding for our cause, set up a helpline for those affected adversely by GnR over the years. Bet there would be loads of take up, the people of St Louis, Bob Guciione Jr, Vince Neil...so on and so forth...

We could call it GIVE US A RING MOTHERFUCKER - A helpline for those affected by Slaxl abuse.

Whose in?

I liked your Hara-kiri Suggestion from a previous thread... I would much rather join that

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What the fuck is wrong with us would be a better question. We behave like battered wives. Go to a site like Womens Aid and read all the pointers of abuse, I bet we fit virtually every one. We should group together and sue for PTSD.

We could probably get government funding for our cause, set up a helpline for those affected adversely by GnR over the years. Bet there would be loads of take up, the people of St Louis, Bob Guciione Jr, Vince Neil...so on and so forth...

We could call it GIVE US A RING MOTHERFUCKER - A helpline for those affected by Slaxl abuse.

Whose in?

I liked your Hara-kiri Suggestion from a previous thread... I would much rather join that

That could be plan B. Plan A could at least get us some interesting stories before we go to meet our maker.

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TM is trying to book Axl for Saturday's edition of the Thomas Meadow Radio show. Maybe we will get some answers then.

Seriously, this is really kind of creepy. I mean if Axl is the only person he cares about in his life, he needs to fucking start caring about the people around him, if he has any. I think it's really unhealthy to put a person you have never met on a pedestal this way. He probably wont get that interview, he gets more and more frustrated, starts reading fucking catcher in they rye and soon enough he thinks Axl is phony who needs to be shot or something. But for now this goes to this guy being drunk, I hope.

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