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Great albums from bands past their peak?


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Oceania - Smashing Pumpkins

is one I really like as much their earlier records. So many great songs and you really get the feeling of being submerged in this fantasy underwater world. Panopticon, The Celestials, My Love is Winter, The Chimera, Wildflower, Oceania are all beautiful songs.

There must be more?

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Idk if I would call them great but King Animal by soundgarden was good and black gives way to blue by Alice in chains.

I've listened to King Animal and it's as good as the old ones, it's pretty much the same thing again. They occupy such an timeless space.

I hated Oceania. I'd say Zeitgeist is a good Smashing Pumpkins example.

Chinese Democracy

Doomeday Clock and United States are awesome. I like both but I'm on Oceania now. Wildflower is my theme tune.

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Some Girls by the Stones comes to mind as well.

Black and Blue is also a good when you've exhausted every other album. Some Girls is kind of a semi peak, I don't really know I'm not a Stones encyclopedia. Black n Blue has a pretty slapdash cover like they found a photo on the floor and said use this one.

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Oceania is fantastic album, but I don't like the studio version of title track. I thought it was much better live and those three parts of the song fit together much better than on CD. This is probably my favourite version of the song:

Other than Oceania and Chinese, AFI's Burials comes to mind. They had their peak back in 03-06 but they are still releasing great music. There are many people who never appreciate them but in my opinion they are great band with strong catalog of quality music past or present.

I would also throw in second Beady Eye's record because many people thought Liam can't do shit without Noel and you can tell he's not so relevant anymore, but I really enjoy that record. Definitely one of my last year's favourites.

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Is it me, or should Dylan's albums Modern Times, Love And Theft and Time Out Of Mind be in here as well?

In fact, I'd even include his latest two as well - Tempest and Together Through Life.

His peak was obviously in the 60's. With some amazing stuff in the 70's as well. But compared to his 80's work his last couple of album have been consistently great.

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