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GnR books


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Hey Marc,

Other than Reckless Road, and the books by the band members, have you read any other books about Guns n Roses??

If so, which book do you feel was the closest to what the band was about??

I really liked "The Days of Guns n Roses", by Danny Sugarman. I read it a long time ago in high school so I don't recall it's accuracy but I do remember liking it alot. It had some cool pictures to.

So, do you have a favorite book about the band. Forum members feel free to reply as well....

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None of them are accurate. They mix up dates and events and there is way too much speculation and one sided stories.

Just gotta say that I loved your book Marc!

Lost it when a friend borrowed it and haven't seen it since :/ Looked through his whole appartment and he have no idea where it is either.

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Hah! We found it today, or rather, I found it. My friend's home 2 times a year since he's studing abroad, he got home last night. Looked through the book case again, his dad said "mi casa es su casa Jon, any book and it's yours. Picked it up and said, "yeah, this actually is mine!" :lol:

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