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Zoe Quinn and Gaming Journalism


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Have you guys heard of this scandal? Reddit is going crazy over it right now, well at least /r/gaming is.

You can learn more about it here: http://www.gamerheadlines.com/2014/08/kotaku-and-zoe-quinn-accused-of-exchanging-positive-press-for-sex/

In short, Zoe Quinn, an indie game developer, is being accused of sleeping with people in the gaming journalism industry in exchange for good press and for silencing bad press.

On a related note, are you guys interested in the development/business side of gaming, or are you just interested in the games themselves?

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I'm kinda both. I'm somewhat stimulated by the business and financial side of gaming and I love playing video games (I just don't love playing them for long hours and grinding too much).

I follow this guy on youtube, that reviews games, rants about random stuff, and talk about the gaming industry in a very proper manner, called TotalBiscuit and I saw that news on Zoe Quinn through him on the twitter. It kinda sucks that you have to resort to these kind of actions to get good press on your game. If that's the case, then you probably don't enough faith that your game is going to do well on its own merits.

Edited by Anguyen92
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