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The [Internet] Lights Go Out on North Korea


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I have a feeling that S. Korea still claims to desire unification as an ideological stance but secretly sees unification as a complete pain in the arse and would prefer, the present status quote. A bit like Ireland, sustaining the Fenian ideology of 'reclaiming Northern Ireland', but behind closed doors, taking one look at the Troubles and saying, 'feck that'.

That's basically what it is. Nice theory but they don't see much to gain instead of 25 million people on welfare. It will put a huge strain on their economy.

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I really hope their dictator was very upset over this! I doubt most North Koreans are allowed to have internet access without their government knowing about it.

I hope he was bidding on something he really wanted on ebay and the site shut down! lol

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I really hope their dictator was very upset over this! I doubt most North Koreans are allowed to have internet access without their government knowing about it.

I hope he was bidding on something he really wanted on ebay and the site shut down! lol

LOL. That would have been classic. Kim Jung Un is about to snipe a sweet deal on a pair of Nike Air Jordans and all of sudden he can't refresh the eBay page.

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Kim Jong-un has been pushing some radical (by North Korean standards) reforms. For example peasants are now allowed to have 30% of their crop and it was announced that next year this share will rise up to 60 % (as opposed to the previous years when the state took their entire crop). Heads of industrial enterprises now have the right to assign salaries to their workers and sell some part of their production. The level of political repressions has declined so that they even had to close 3 of 6 existing internment camps for political prisoners (but the repressions in the upper echelons of power are worse than ever). On the other hand there’s a sharp deterioration in relations with the main North Korean sponsor China, so now it seems that Kim Jong-un will be having difficulties with receiving foreign investments. Anyway point being, if reforms are successful, the North Korea may slowly transform into "dictatorship of development" like China or Vietnam. If reforms will fail, and Kim Jong-un will not be able to keep the situation under control, China or South Korea (with the support of the US) will have to interfere.

On a side note, why wouldn't Hollywood make a movie about Putin or for example Xi Jinping assassination? :lol:

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North Korea's internet was back down again for an hour today! Perhaps just a coincidence, but Sony is going ahead with a few Christmas day showings of the movie The Interview.

Whoever is behind these attacks is starting to make North Korea look a little foolish. :D

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North Korea's internet was back down again for an hour today! Perhaps just a coincidence, but Sony is going ahead with a few Christmas day showings of the movie The Interview.

Whoever is behind these attacks is starting to make North Korea look a little foolish. :D

seems like they are still having issues with the internet and are having intermittent connection problems.

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