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Marvel's Ant-Man


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I can't see Paul Rudd as a super hero but then again he's probably not in the ant suit. Probably a stunt guy who won't get any credit.

I remember when Paul Rudd was in Halloween 7 or 8, can't remember which one. Bet he doesn't talk about that movie. But he got to play with the late great Donald Pleasance.

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I can't see Paul Rudd as a super hero but then again he's probably not in the ant suit. Probably a stunt guy who won't get any credit.

I remember when Paul Rudd was in Halloween 7 or 8, can't remember which one. Bet he doesn't talk about that movie. But he got to play with the late great Donald Pleasance.

WTF are you on about? Paul Rudd is the main character.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure what the rest of you saw in this movie but I thought it was pretty lame. I'd give it a 5/10 maybe. It was just dumb in my opinion. It had some funny moments but it was pretty bad. The relationship between Michael Douglas and his daughter was so forced and phoney. The fact ants can just appear out of nowhere anywhere is really dumb. I like Paul Rudd but he was about the only good part in this movie. The "villian" was terrible the acting in this movie aside from Rudd was bad. Michael Douglas is one of the worst actors I think. This movie got a big fat MEH, from me. definitely one of the least enjoyable super hero movies in my opinion. Clearly I'm in the minority though.

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