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08/30/16 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - BB&T Center

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14 minutes ago, danijel00 said:

It's more strange to me that their guitars still have wires. I thought nobody is using that anymore

So you're okay with the school boy outfit?  lol

Posted (edited)

https://www.periscope.tv/denisse_0712/ Front Row

Open in Potplayer, VLC Player, Media Player Classic

@slater0715  https://periscope-prod-us-east-1.global.ssl.fastly.net/vidmanlive/kZvJQXwOlxLlNEGr.axOc4Uu3_5Nh6jhz2YR2_qF7TqL9-ttq8ZYQMfNKzseH8kd5AB-D_mco9cQ31Zsk6bvi8OIn4UI0i6Ih661yFw==/playlist.m3u8?t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0.eyJBbGxvd2VkUHJvdG9jb2xzIjpbImhscyJdLCJCcm9hZGNhc3RJZCI6IjFZcUdvWEJ6TkROSnYiLCJHcmFudFR5cGUiOiJyZWFkIiwiR3JhbnRlZEF0IjowLCJHcmFudGVkVG8iOiJQVUJMSUMiLCJleHAiOjg2NDAwfQ.z3PFlFus5YbkjXhkd0YWfCWuvAp6veIABg0EfZJFbnU
@boquerodsdmiami https://periscope-prod-us-east-1.global.ssl.fastly.net/vidmanlive/EQRMJBLXlNLgdbYx.pN2q4BGkg8Vvb22XGAMh7aQB5l6IyB5ep-QyRwZYadfAXjqPOf03jNS9GOIRCmSDD3YBHiyz9Chab26KEgqXPA==/playlist.m3u8?t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0.eyJBbGxvd2VkUHJvdG9jb2xzIjpbImhscyJdLCJCcm9hZGNhc3RJZCI6IjFZcUtERE9tUHpOS1YiLCJHcmFudFR5cGUiOiJyZWFkIiwiR3JhbnRlZEF0IjowLCJHcmFudGVkVG8iOiJQVUJMSUMiLCJleHAiOjg2NDAwfQ.Cr_sqoWzrvvWcUcinsb9GOGgVO0uCC_GMBCDuzflE4g
@onetallcool1 https://periscope-prod-us-east-1.global.ssl.fastly.net/vidmanlive/EQRMJBLXlNLgdbYx.y_vO0OqVe-w3GBG7I4hGYAkHb_1xA4OrbEd1guLXPIZ7_AEijaQH1OE1P4kbro3Ut16INrXiaXUZ5A0_8ofarQ==/playlist.m3u8?t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiIyIn0.eyJBbGxvd2VkUHJvdG9jb2xzIjpbImhscyJdLCJCcm9hZGNhc3RJZCI6IjFtbnhlWVBiQWdSeFgiLCJHcmFudFR5cGUiOiJyZWFkIiwiR3JhbnRlZEF0IjowLCJHcmFudGVkVG8iOiJQVUJMSUMiLCJleHAiOjg2NDAwfQ.ssjv2rigj4dkoloHwpbg-8328jaF3VjmpqNeZJUL_uo


Edited by BackOffBitch!
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If there's somebody out there responsible for the new and improved Axl Rose 2016, would just like to say, thank you very much!  He's got his A game every night.  Nice boots too.  Now if we can just steal those cannons.

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Axl definitely has shown what the many axl fans have known felt for years. 

Axl may be the best frontman in our generation. 

Gnr with appetite was something that blew the world's mind. 

A lifetime later axl is frontman for both Gnr and acdc, if someone told you that in 1990, we would have thought they need to be admitted to mental ward. 

I was never a big fan of acdc, so this kind of feels like we are getting a bunch of new axl songs all at once. 


I have huge respect for both the Gnr group and acdc, and Esp axl at this point 


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