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What if "Appetite" came out today?

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I'm relatively new to this forum, so sorry if this has already been discussed before, but I was just thinking about this today. How big of an impact do you think Appetite would have if it came out today with how different the music industry is now compared to when it came out in 1987? In the world of iTunes downloads and YouTube, I think it's safe to say that it wouldn't sell nearly as many copies as it did (it probably wouldn't even go platinum), but I also think it would still catch on and appeal to a lot of people. Songs like Jungle, Sweet Child, Paradise City, and Rocket Queen are absolutely timeless and are still as good today as they were when they first came out. I know a lot of people are sick of the current state of rock music and it's about time an album like Appetite comes out and totally changes the scene. For that reason, I think if Appetite came out today, it would still be huge and would change the face of modern rock music. What do you think?

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Honestly I think most people would just shake their heads and think "ahh, another retro sounding band". There are loads of retro sounding bands out there. Not saying it's bad or anything, but I think that's what people would think. Even if Appetite didn't exist until now and it came out right now just the way it sounds, it wouldn't sound modern. Not to say I don't like it tho.

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1- It wouldn't sell jack because no one buys CDs anymore, they illegally download it. So it wouldn't be the greatest debut album in the history of rock n roll.

2- It also wouldn't sell because the generation that bought is into Fetty Wap and other hip hop/pop. 

Part of the reason it was the perfect record is because it came out at the perfect time period for society. They had poppy hair bands shoved down their throats, so GNR was a nice change. We are far from that. 

Edited by Billsfan
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17 minutes ago, killuridols said:

It couldn't come out today because none of the scene described in the lyrics exist anymore.

It wouldn't be realistic. It'd be and sound fake. And no one would care about it.


What doesn't exist anymore? Drugs? Sex? Partying? Cos as far as I'm concerned that's pretty much what it is about.

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Production would probably sound more brut with less reverb and all that, maybe more inspired by rap beats. But Sweet Child or Jungle would still be huge singles, it's timeless. Appetite would sell like million of free downwloads and GnR would be a terrific live band. They will not live like kings but they would still get laid.

You need to be smart if you have good materials, if you have a riff like sweet child now and you want to make money with it, say yes if Tropicana wants your music or the next blockbuster movie. Girls would be like, oh i like that, who's that hooray for tolerance! and they would listen your music for free and follow you on twitter.


Start your own label.

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If it was released now it may not be the biggest selling debut album of all time but it would stamp all over this X FACTOR manufactured shite that's in the charts today. There's a whole generation of kids out there that don't know what good musicians sound & play like 

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Any album of popular music more than 20 years old would sound shit if it came out today, for the sheer fact that it would look dated, popular music is very much of it's time, thats sort of the nature of it, even the greatest of bands, it might still be considered good but it wouldn't be seismic as it was because albums that had that kind of effect did so because of the specific musical landscape of the day.  Thats not to say that certain music isn't timeless but being timeless and being as mind-blowing as you were in your day are two different things.

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36 minutes ago, john lennon said:

What doesn't exist anymore? Drugs? Sex? Partying? Cos as far as I'm concerned that's pretty much what it is about.

I said the scene. I'm talking about that 80s Hollywood scene. Of course those things do exist nowadays too but they don't happen in the same context and environments they did in the 80s.

Theres also the sexism in the lyrics that I don't know if it would pass ignored today.

What I don't understand from the initial question, or it is not clear to me, is if they are asking about AFD being released today with the lineup we have now? Do you mean an AFD released by 50 years old guys talking about "turn around bitch I've got a use for you"? Or do you mean if GNR were 20 years old kids in 2016? Because that'd add another element to the question...

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If AFD realesed today it would sell about a million copies but illegally downloaded even more. SCOM would be a top 10 hit and Paradise City maybe top 20 but WTTJ would never have that impact it did back in the day and that would be a shame. The new generation is brought up in a world full of rap and manufactured shit and learning an instrument isn't seen as a talent nowadays. 

Im just glad we got to see the band when we did and they're talents got the exposure it deserved. They came shook up the music scene and gave us a ride we'll never forget. Something that doesn't happen to bands now. 

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Horrifying thought. Would probably bring back 80's clothes and widespread afternoon coke habits if it caught on. Sweet Child O'Mine and Paradise City sounds like songs that will always succeed in grabbing a lot of attention, but there is no way of knowing and that album is connected to it's time when the band members were young and very different to how they are now in many ways.

But to answer the question it wouldn't even come close out of it's time after so much has happened in music and Appetite represents something that doesn't really exist anymore in that way imo.

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1 hour ago, LikeADog93 said:

I'm relatively new to this forum, so sorry if this has already been discussed before, but I was just thinking about this today. How big of an impact do you think Appetite would have if it came out today with how different the music industry is now compared to when it came out in 1987?

AFD became such a hit because it was the right time for that kind of music. It was the right music for the right time. It was refreshing but still not too different from what people listened to. It sort of took the hard rock and glam music that was popular back then, mixed it, fixed it, and created something that really aligned with what people wanted. Hence it got a lot of traction and become such a big thing. But it took some time.

If it was released today with today's msuical landscape, I don't believe it would have caught on. It would have sounded too dated to get the sort of critical mass of listeners that is required for it to catch on, get the required traction, and really sell. Pople interested in 80s hardrock might have discovered it and enjoyed it, but most people wouldn't have listened to is.

That's my opinion.

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Then well we would have some fucked up drum intro's to Mr. Brownstone and Rocket Queen.

There would be no Think About You and some other songs as Im pretty sure Fortus, even in his dreams, cannot be like Izzy.

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The question is, what would the music industry be like, if AFD would not have been released in 1987? I know some people like to speculate that perhaps GNR never really changed anything and had no influence on the music industry at all. And maybe they're right? But equally plausible is that AFD had a much bigger impact on the music industry than we even know. If it wasn't for AFD, perhaps Nirvana would never have become as big as they did. Perhaps AFD paved the way for Nirvana and many other bands and if it wasn't for GNR, the whole sound of the nineties would have been very different. And because of that today's music would sound completely different as well.

It's impossible to know what the music industry would be like today, if it wasn't for GNR. Maybe AFD would be exactly what the world would need and GNR would become even bigger now than they actually did in the eighties. Or perhaps nobody would care one bit. The reality is that if Axl would start a band now, it would sound very different compared to AFD. AFD was inspired by all the music that was released before it. Similarly if GNR would release a debut album now, it would also have influences from all the music that was released before it.

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AFD is one of rock biggest albums. It changed the face of rock music back in the 80's and since the songs are amazing and they still hold up today, I think AFD would still be Number 1 and still sell millions of copies.

"Welcome to the Jungle" is still a song that holds up today. The world has only gotten worse and those lyrics make just as much sense today as they did 30 years ago. It's sad but true.

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What ifs oh boy, What if my grandmother had wheels Id guess she would be a wagon.  Come on man Appetite was released at the right time, as said before it would not be as huge due to the youth of today are all flooded with hip hop crap. I would just like to see a new album with the band now, some good rockers a few ballads and an  epic.

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1 hour ago, killuridols said:

I said the scene. I'm talking about that 80s Hollywood scene. Of course those things do exist nowadays too but they don't happen in the same context and environments they did in the 80s.

Theres also the sexism in the lyrics that I don't know if it would pass ignored today.

What I don't understand from the initial question, or it is not clear to me, is if they are asking about AFD being released today with the lineup we have now? Do you mean an AFD released by 50 years old guys talking about "turn around bitch I've got a use for you"? Or do you mean if GNR were 20 years old kids in 2016? Because that'd add another element to the question...

Pretty sure he was thinking if GNR is new band who will release AFD right now as 20 years old will they be still that huge. Sexism can pass ignored today do you ever listened to this new "rappers"? 

I think AFD will be still huge because we don't have good hard rock bands today and of course with SCOM more people who don't listen to rock will hear it. Somebody need to destroy these R&B and Pop shit teenagers listen today.

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2 hours ago, killuridols said:

I said the scene. I'm talking about that 80s Hollywood scene. Of course those things do exist nowadays too but they don't happen in the same context and environments they did in the 80s.

Theres also the sexism in the lyrics that I don't know if it would pass ignored today.

What I don't understand from the initial question, or it is not clear to me, is if they are asking about AFD being released today with the lineup we have now? Do you mean an AFD released by 50 years old guys talking about "turn around bitch I've got a use for you"? Or do you mean if GNR were 20 years old kids in 2016? Because that'd add another element to the question...

Pretty sure he or she meant if they were 20 today. Everything else would be weird. 

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