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The MyGnR Music Challenge


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- A song that reminds you of your favourite holidays

- A song that reminds you of your first love

- A song you like to sing loud along to 

- A song you'd want to sing to your kids

- A song that describes the best dysfunctional band in the world ;)

- A song you'd want to hear a cover of by one of your favourite bands (name both)

- A song that gives you confidence

- A song that sounds like freedom to you

- A song you can't help but to dance to like nobody's watching

- A song that makes you feel like queen / king of the world

- A song that can console you in bad times

- A song to listen to when you're heartbroken

- A song with an awesome guitar riff

- A song with a beautiful piano in it

- A song with another great musical instrument part in it you love


Edited by Tori72
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14 hours ago, Tori72 said:

There it is, dear music challengers, our new thread. :lol: 

Let's share all our challenge-ideas first. I will collect them later and put them into this opener thread and then the fun begins.

Sounds good? 

Yes, thank you! :)

I have many ideas. I'll share just some of them now and add the rest later (if necessary)

Themes related to the title or the band:

  • A song with day/month/season in the title
  • A song with a medium of transportation in the title
  • A song with a celestial body (sun, moon, stars, planets etc) in the title
  • A song with a place name in the title
  • A song with an animal in the title
  • A song by a band or collaboration two or more members of which are from the same family


  • A song that reminds you of someone that you haven't seen in a long time and miss him/her
  • A song that reminds you of an important political or social event during your lifetime
  • Your "last wish" song / the song that you'd want to hear before you die
  • If you were locked up somewhere for an indefinite period of time and you were allowed to listen to only one song of your choice, which would that be?
  • A song by which you'd like to be remembered/ which you'd like people to remember you by
  • A song that makes you question authority/rebel
  • A song that makes you think about justice
  • A song that an older member of your family liked/likes
  • A song that you hate for some reason, although it's liked by many people or generally considered "good"
  • (One of) your favorite live performance(s) of a song


  • A song that all or part of its words are not in English *
  • A song by an artist/band from your country/region *
  • A song by an artist/band from a non English speaking country/region *

* These 3 themes are similar. They could be merged or we could pick one or two of them.



Edited by Blackstar
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I've only a few

1) A song from a band you got introduced to by your parents

2) A song you would play at a party to get the mood up for better

3) A song you would play at a party to end it and get the people out

4) A song from your favourit OST/movie

5) A song from a "one hit wonder" band/artist you like

Edited by EricA
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Here are a few:

A song that you hate to admit you like

A song that you want to play really loud when you are pissed off

A song from a movie soundtrack

A song that gets stuck in your head all day if you hear it 

A song that makes you want to have sex

A song with food in the title

A song you used to really love, but now can't stand to hear

A song you would like to hear GNR cover

A song with the name of a city in the title

A nonrock song you like

A song from the first concert you attended

An instrumental (No lyrics) song you like

A song that inspires you to do better in life

A song you like by an artist you normally would not listen to

A song you like by a female vocalist

A Song with a weather condition in the title (rain, snow, sun)


Edited by BlueJean Baby
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here is my list, i didn't have time togo over everyone elses so some may be the same
April 12,2017 :D

Song suggestions:


april 12, 2017


 a song with the name of an animal in it

a song from a movie ( theme or just in a movie )

a song from a TV show ( theme song or just in a TV show )

a Christmas song

a Halloween Song

a 4th of July song

a song that inspires you

a song that puts you in a sexy mood

a song in a different language than your native language

a song that is a parody or funny

a song you think the cover is better than the original

a one hit wonder song

a song that reminds you of your mom

a song that reminds you of your dad

a song with the name of a place you'd like to visit

a song that mentions your birthplace ( city or state or country or whatever ) in it

Edited by AxlsFavoriteRose
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Some more:

  • A song that tells a story
  • A song that calms you down
  • A song to wake up to
  • A song that makes you fall asleep
  • A song that reminds you of a loved-one no longer living
  • A creepy song
  • A song that you first heard on a TV commercial
  • One of the worst songs you've ever heard*

             *  quality wise and overall (music, lyrics, everything) -> different that a song you hate or can't stand for some reason

Era related:

  • One of your favorite 60s songs
  • One of your favorite 80s songs
  • One of your favorite 90s songs
  • A song you like from the pre rock 'n' roll era


Edited by Blackstar
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10 hours ago, Tori72 said:

There it is, dear music challengers, our new thread. :lol: 

Let's share all our challenge-ideas first. I will collect them later and put them into this opener thread and then the fun begins.

Sounds good? 

yay! i can't wait!

sorry here's a few more...i can't stop thinkig about this :headbang:


song that is the best revenge song

song that you hear you wish you could get out of your head

song about someone's best body part ( G rated only )

song you heard during your first kiss

song about jealousy

song with a jewel in it


geez i better stop! very exited for the new song challenge to begin....can you tell?? :P

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Well, so far we have about 85 ideas (I've counted identical/repeated suggestions as one) to pick from!

Imo, priority should be given:

  1. To the more "universal" themes, so that all members can easily participate (for example, many members may have difficulty to come up with a "4th of July song"). Some of the ideas can be worded differently in order to be more inclusive: e.g. the "Halloween song" can be simply "a creepy/scary song"; or the "song that you actually can play (even a little part) with any instrument" could be modified to "a song that you enjoy playing with any instrument or you'd want to learn how to" or something like that.
  2. To themes not very similar to the ones we did in the previous challenge.

It mostly depends on how long we want the game to last (I wouldn't have a problem with a long run - in fact I'd enjoyed it). It's something to decide: we could make it a long marathon challenge (and see who'll make it till the end :P), split it in 2-3 smaller subsequent challenges or go with a shorter challenge at first and then continue if there's still interest etc.

About the GnR related songs: Although I personally didn't pick any in the other challenge (as I like variety) and they are too "obvious" choices for this forum, I don't think there should/could be a rule. If a GnR song is someone's ultimate song for an occasion, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to post it.

Edited by Blackstar
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3 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Well, so far we have about 85 ideas (I've counted identical/repeated suggestions as one) to pick from!

Imo, priority should be given:

  1. To the more "universal" themes, so that all members can easily participate (for example, many members may have difficulty to come up with a "4th of July song"). Some of the ideas can be worded differently in order to be more inclusive: e.g. the "Halloween song" can be simply "a creepy/scary song"; or the "song that you actually can play (even a little part) with any instrument" could be modified to "a song that you enjoy playing with any instrument or you'd want to learn how to" or something like that.
  2. To themes not very similar to the ones we did in the previous challenge.

It mostly depends on how long we want the game to last (I wouldn't have a problem with a long run - in fact I'd enjoyed it). It's something to decide: we could make it a long marathon challenge (and see who'll make it till the end :P), split it in 2-3 smaller subsequent challenges or go with a shorter challenge at first and then continue if there's still interest etc.

About the GnR related songs: Although I personally didn't pick any in the other challenge (as I like variety) and they are too "obvious" choices for this forum, I don't think there should/could be a rule. If a GnR song is someone's ultimate song for an occasion, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to post it.

Agree 100%

I'd also enjoy a long run! :thumbsup:

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