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Help with transcribing interview from Portuguese to English

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Hey guys. I think you all know our project over at A4D so I won't explain the context. I am currently working on transcribing this interview from Brazilian Portuguese to English, and neither the transcription method I use (Microsoft voice to text and/or Simonsays) or the translation method (google translate) gives very good results:

This is what I got so far with Portuguese first and English translation in brackets afterwards;

Lady: Volta ea caminho do brasil.

Man: Fantástico foi até orlando nos estados unidos para acompanhar esse retorno conversar com os integrantes da banda e com a família brasileira que cuida de cada detalhe da vida do vocalista Axl Rose


Voiceover: accionou esta você  conhece essa também são hinos do gás e rose esse pessoal aqui  do s nem nós foi um encontro acidental nos bastidores da banda do Axl Rose se fala muito português

Alvaro Pereiro Junior: Aqui ó e aqui a gente tem uma mãe e seus filhos que vai explicar pra gente qual é essa conexão do Axl com o brasil. Wual é a tua função na vida do Axl? [Here and here we have a mother and her children who will explain to us what Axl's connection with Brazil is. What is your role in Axl's life?]

Beta: Mãe [laughs] Mamãe. [Mum [laughs] mother].

Voiceover: santista Beta Lebeis extrato o cantor como um filho.  [Beta considers the singer as her son].

Beta: é sempre case andar pra ele te dá pra minha família.

Voiceover: Beta símbolo de santos nos estados unidos no começo dos anos 1990 na califórnia virou babá do filho da modelo Stephanie Seymour logo depois a Stephanie começou a namorar o Axl quando se separaram ele pediu deixa acabar comigo e isso já faz.

Alvaro Pereiro Junior: seis anos.

Beta: [?] seis, yeah. [Six, yeah].

Voiceover: mas vencerá no rock in rio de 2001 o Axl homenageou a Beta.

Axl, from Rock in Rio in 2001: She has been a mother to me,

Beta, from RIR 2001: [Translating]

Axl, from RIR 2001: -my manager, my assistant.

Voiceover: hoje a secretária de Axl é a filha da a Beta a Vanessa [Today, Axl's secretary is Beta, Vanessa's daughter]

Vanessa Lebeis: eu só que preparo ele entrou no chão [?]

Voiceover: e o filho Fernando entre muitos outros santistas da equipe tem o cargo mais alto [and son Fernando among many other Santos team has the highest position]

Fernando Lebeis: eu já sou empresário mas o sucesso disso é realmente a família e por falar no trânsito é a confiança do Axl a gente fazer o que a gente tem que fazer para fazer o chão [I'm already a businessman but the success of this is really the family and speaking of traffic, it's Axl's confidence that we do what we have to do to make the ground]

Voiceover: pra fazer o show tem uma coisa fundamental a banda precisa aparecer só que eles são tão imprevisíveis que nunca se sabe será que eles vêm mesmo pra nossa conversa. [to put on a show, there's one fundamental thing: the band needs to show up, but they're so unpredictable that you never know if they'll actually come to our conversation.]

Alvaro Pereiro Junior: eis que chega o grande momento da entrevista com Guns N' Roses agora kek bem feio Axl sozinho foi o Axl com os outros dois nesta na dúvida se aparece uma parece enfim a si mesmo até para decidir qual sai a ser usada foram horas de discussão ficaremos plantados esperando o pessoal chegar foram umas quatro horas de suspense até que o Axl e Duff o douro chegaram [behold, the great moment of the interview with Guns N' Roses arrives now kek very ugly Axl alone was Axl with the other two in this one in doubt if one appears finally himself even to decide which skirt to be used there were hours of discussion we will be planted waiting for the people to arrive there were about four hours of suspense until Axl and Duff the Douro arrived]

Could anyone here help me get this correct, at least the quotes from the Lebeis family?

Edited by SoulMonster
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POLIANA ABRITTA: Rock's most impossible reunion is finally happening! After 23 years apart and many fights, Guns N' Roses is back and on its way to Brazil.

TADEU SCHMIDT: "Fantástico" went to Orlando, in the United States, to keep up with this comeback, talk to the band members and the Brazilian family that takes care of every detail of vocalist Axl Rose's life.

ÁLVARO PEREIRA JÚNIOR: (Voiceover) You know this one. This one too. They're Guns N' Roses anthems. But what about these people here, do you know them? Neither do we. It was an accidental encounter. In the backstage of Axl Rose's band, Portuguese is spoken a lot. (/Voiceover)

And here we have a mother and her children, who will explain to us what's this connection of Axl with Brazil.

What is your role in Axl's life?

BETA LEBEIS: Mother. (laughs) Mom.

APJ: (Voiceover) Santos' Beta Lebeis treats the singer like a son. (/Voiceover)

BL: I always wanted to give him what I give my family.

APJ: (Voiceover) Beta moved from Santos to the United States in the early 1990s. In California, she became nanny for model Stephanie Seymour's little son. Soon after, Stephanie started dating Axl. When they broke up, he said "leave the nanny with me". And that has been... (/Voiceover)

Twenty six years?

BL: Almost 26, yeah.

APJ: (Voiceover) At 2001's Rock In Rio, Axl paid tribute to Beta.

Today, Axl's assistant is Beta's daughter, Vanessa. (/Voiceover)

VANESSA LEBEIS: I'm the one who prepares him for... for the show.

APJ: (Voiceover) And son Fernando, among many others from Santos on the team, has the highest position. (/Voiceover)

FERNANDO LEBEIS: Today I'm the manager, but the success of it is really the family. And as I was saying, the trust, right? Axl's confidence in us, to do what we have to do to make the show.

APJ: (Voiceover) And to make the show there's one fundamental thing: the band needs to show up. It's just that they're so unpredictable, that you never know. Are they really coming to our talk? (/Voiceover)

The great moment of the interview with Guns N' Roses has come. Now who's coming? Is Axl coming alone? Is Axl coming with the other two? Slash is uncertain if he shows up or not ... Anyway, that's how it is. Even to decide which room was going to be used there were hours of discussion. We will be planted waiting for the guys to arrive.

(Voiceover) It was about four hours of suspense, until Axl and Duff arrived. (/Voiceover)

Axl, nobody believed in this comeback. What was the force that brought you together?

AXL ROSE: (Voiceover dubbing) It started in 2014, when the possibility of us playing at the Coachella festival happened. I authorized my personnel to begin negotiations. I asked Fernando to get me Slash's phone number. Then Fernando told mom and she said "if this is a joke, I'm gonna kill you". (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: (Voiceover) And speaking of the Brazilians who work for him, Axl jokes... (/Voiceover)

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) In fact, I have been enslaved for many years by a Brazilian family, who torture me and force me to do things. (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: Like... reunite Guns N' Roses?

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) This! They whip me. (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: (Voiceover) And it really seemed like only by the crack of the whip for the band to go back to the original lineup. The last concert with all of them together had been in Buenos Aires, in July 1993. Then, a thousand troubles. Axl even said "Slash is a cancer that needs to be removed". The guitarist hit back: "if he called me, we would have to wash the dirty linen". And didn't Axl call? (/Voiceover)

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) But Slash was touring, so it took a while for us to meet. It only happened in October last year, when he went home for dinner. Then Duff joined in, and we started rehearsing. (/Voiceover dubbing)

DUFF MCKAGAN: (Voiceover dubbing) We didn't plan anything; we were just thinking about how cool it was to play together again. (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: Any chance of also returning the other two from the original lineup, Izzy on guitar and Steven on drums?

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) Steven even played a few times on this tour, but he's not 100%, he just had a back surgery. And Izzy... I don't even know what to say. We settle on something and he does another... With Izzy, you can never predict anything. (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: (Voiceover) Since it appeared in '85, Guns has written one of rock's most crazy journeys. Duff drank so much that one day his pancreas exploded, and Slash had more than one cardiac arrest from doing too much drug.

But now they're wholesome, and critics are unanimous: the band is rocking.

In November, there are six concerts in Brazil. (/Voiceover)

Any message for the people?

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) Message? We're coming! (/Voiceover dubbing)

DM: (Voiceover dubbing) We're coming! (/Voiceover dubbing)

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) We're on our way! (/Voiceover dubbing)

APJ: (Voiceover) So that's it, it seemed impossible but it happened: Guns N' Roses is back! (/Voiceover)

Edited by gabmmor
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-- If you want me to turn it off, I'll turn it off; I don't want to bother you.

BETA LEBEIS: ... No, that I showed the picture of the... how do you say it?


-- Of the tents?

BL: Of the tents...


-- Yeah.

BL: That you've all been there for a long time. I showed it to... to all of them. I told Duff.


-- And did Axl like it?

BL: He liked it a lot... uh... how do you say in... Portuguese? Anyway, that it was an honor, right?


-- You forget your Portuguese, don't you?

BL: Yeah... that it's an honor... that it's the fans...


-- But thanks a lot, Beta, just for showing them indeed.

BL: Okay, no, you can say it, because he's aware. I was taking the pics that I was collecting from...


-- You have to get a Brazilian girlfriend for Axl Rose.

BL: What?


-- A Brazilian girlfriend for him.

BL: (laughs) God willing he gets a good one! (laughs)


-- He should, right? To procreate, to put a little Axl in the world, right? (laughs)

-- To give you some grandchildren, right?... (laughs)

-- Beta, and Dinho? What happened about Dinho?

BL: Oh, Dinho... he's a sweetheart. I met him, but when I saw him, it was already at the end of the show, I couldn't do much for him. But he's met Duff, he's met Richard, he's met Frank... he just hasn't met Axl yet. (laughs) But Axl knows, I showed all of Dinho's videos to Axl. Almost all, I haven't shown the last ones yet, there wasn't enough time yet.


-- Hopefully a Guns record will come out next year... I'm waiting.

BL: I'm not saying anything.


-- "I'm not saying anything" (laughs)

BL: About this my mouth is, look... take a look. (laughs)


-- But it has to come out, it has to come out, it has to come out, this reunion has to come out [with something].

BL: Yeah, mm-hmm.


-- He's hoping for a slip. (laughs)

BL: (laughs)


-- This one is worse than a reporter!

-- Well, but there's one thing you can answer: did they get together just for this tour?

BL: What, honey?


-- They didn't get together for this tour only, did they?

BL: How so?


-- Like, this tour is over, everything is over...

BL: No, but aren't we announcing others, in Europe, Japan...?


-- Yeah, there's more...

-- No, but, like, "Give it two years and then it's over".

-- And the new album?

BL: Huh?


-- The new album?

BL: Let's see what's going to turn out, right? (laughs)


-- Let me take a picture of her shoes.

-- Huh, and the tour with...

BL: What? What's wrong with my shoes? (laughs)


-- My aunt loves shoes!

-- What a cool shoe!

BL: Oh, how awful! (laughs)


-- What about... what about the tour... what about the tour with AC/DC?

BL: Easier for walking, to keep standing all day long.


-- Was the tour with AC/DC cool?

BL: What, sweetie?


-- With AC/DC.

BL: Oh, it was great!


-- Oh, with AC/DC.

BL: It was excellent, they are...


-- Was it excellent?

BL: Oh, very good.


-- I could imagine that, because they... the Australians themselves are very nice people, right?

BL: It was... they're great, uh... ah, a lovely band, a lovely person... Angus is such a wonderful person!


-- Cute, isn't he?

BL: It was great! For Axl it was very good, as Bon was a very big fan [she probably meant idol] of him, so it was a...


-- They made him rehearse, for God's sake! What is this?!

BL: But he could never assume a post like that without having [rehearsed], because it's a different way of singing, it's a...


-- It pushes his voice much more, right?

BL: Huh?


-- His voice is pushed much more...

BL: Yeah, it's all different.


-- It uses more... just uses drive, uses drive...

BL: But it was a thing...


-- With the broken foot still...

-- The broken foot...

BL: It was an excellent thing, it was... it was a dr... Axl, as he says, fulfilling his dream, because he as a fan and... it was very good.


-- I'm so proud of him because he won the AC/DC fans over...

BL: It was tough! (laughs)


-- ... and I would never see Guns N' Roses with somebody else singing in his place!

-- Yeah, because, like, my girlfriend is a big fan of AC/DC and she was the first to say "ew, Axl is bad, yada yada...".

BL: No, but it's like Axl said, they... they would do the first... he would sing the first song, people were like... (grimace)


-- Yeah, grimace, right?

-- Then in the end he would win them all over!

BL: On the second one... (grimace)


-- Yeah.

BL: Then on the third one, they would say "well, nevermind" and would...


-- Nevermind, right? Stop it. Enjoy that!

-- Yeah.

BL: ... enjoy it.


-- When are you going to have again the opportunity to see, like, the biggest member of Guns N' Roses along with AC/DC?

BL: Yeah...


-- It was beautiful!

-- For a peeve, right?

BL: Yeah... no, it was really good, it was really good. It was great, it was a great experience.


-- Are you leaving today?

BL: What, honey?


-- Are you leaving today?

BL: After the show.


-- Really?

BL: Right, because already... you... it's very difficult when you do "concert, day off, concert, flight..."...


-- Tiring.

BL: You know, you need... because of the voice... all of that is... the time off air is important, when you go into a show... so when you have the opportunity to leave... because not all airports allow us to take off.


-- The guy is 53-year-old with a voice like that... screaming, using the drives he uses is just... right?

BL: (laughs) He's fine. With a broken foot and all, he did show.


-- Ah, it was beautiful with the broken foot!

BL: (laughs)

-- Oh, poor thing!

-- Man, what a distress, huh? What a distress. Imagine that...

BL: It was horrible!


-- It was worse than that... had a surgery, right?

-- Back at that gig at the Troubadour...

BL: Huh?


-- At that concert at the Troubadour back there, which he broke [his foot], right? When he fell over the monitor, right?

BL: No, he was on top, but the fans...


-- Oh, they pushed...

BL: It's not that they pushed, nobody did anything. It's the excitement. He was very close, so you hold it and that thing... then he slipped.


-- Got it.

BL: Then that's what turned out.


-- Was that Dave Grohl who gave him the chair?

BL: Huh?


-- Dave Grohl who gave him a chair?

BL: Yeah, we asked him to lend the chair. (laughs) then he... quick, right? (laughs)


-- Do you know why this is cool? Because the idea of us fans always was that they had a beef, right? With Grohl, right?

BL: But this was something else they got together to show that there's no such thing...


-- Yeah, there's no such thing, right?

BL: I mean, it's more the m... the...


-- The media itself, right?

BL: The media that does that, because it was great, between the two as well, right?


-- And he ended up going to several shows afterwards, right?

BL: He did, he went to many.


-- Yeah, we saw pictures, there were lots of pictures of them. It was pretty cool.

BL: There were, there were indeed.


-- We saw a lot of shows on Periscope.

-- Can you take a picture with me?

BL: I can, sweetie. (laughs)


-- Look at this funny guy, Beta. He's wearing boots! Just look!

-- Do you want me to shoot it?

-- What? Someone called me, I hung up...

-- Man, I like that badge of yours.

-- Huh?

-- I like your...

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AR: (Voiceover dubbing) In fact, I have been enslaved for many years by a Brazilian family, who torture me and force me to do things. (/Voiceover dubbing)

Maybe it's real and he wanted to send us a message for help this way. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.

Edited by ©GnrPersia
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6 hours ago, ©GnrPersia said:

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) In fact, I have been enslaved for many years by a Brazilian family, who torture me and force me to do things. (/Voiceover dubbing)

Maybe it's real and he wanted to send us a message for help this way. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.

He said it in the interview of Braziliann TV too.

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On 6/11/2023 at 3:04 PM, ©GnrPersia said:

AR: (Voiceover dubbing) In fact, I have been enslaved for many years by a Brazilian family, who torture me and force me to do things. (/Voiceover dubbing)

Maybe it's real and he wanted to send us a message for help this way. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.

"She beats me all the time. It's an abusive relationship." - Axl on stage with Beta, Rock in Rio 2011.

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6 hours ago, fantomas said:

Dumb question, did YouTube allow you to grab the transcript file?

I don't think Youtube had auto-transcribed these videos. When a Youtube videos don't have transcripts to download, I usually generate my own transcripts using Google voice-to-text function. 

By the way, as a nod to the AI thread, such transcription features are based on AI.

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10 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

I don't think Youtube had auto-transcribed these videos. When a Youtube videos don't have transcripts to download, I usually generate my own transcripts using Google voice-to-text function. 

By the way, as a nod to the AI thread, such transcription features are based on AI.

I checked and there is a transcription for that interview. 


Oh, and nice callback :)

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