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About the project......what do you think about....


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i just heard on the radio, but i know its false since they didn't know what they were talking about, but they said that david lee roth was to be the singer (they probably just read it off the net, and confused DLR with bach..

Diamond Dave was a good frontman at one time. But his ego is far bigger than his talent.  I hope the dj was confused.  :-/

I still think Bach would be a good choice.  :)

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think the dude from buckcherry would be good still, even though he has already been turned down, and i also thing that ian astbury from the cult would be good, even though he is currently in "the doors" taking jim's place...believe it or not. (www.thedoors.com)... he has got that rock/blues vibe that would go good with slash and the boys, plus a kick ass voice...also chris cornell is a good one if the audioslave doesn't pan out, even though he probably wouldn't do it...or maybe an unknown…but bach would be a big mistake, in my opinion.

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Skid Row kicks @ss. "18 and Life" is one of the best rock songs ever composed..  It's a masterpiece..  Asd you have songs like "I Remember You", "Youth Gone Wild", "Quicksand Jesus"  Listen to some of them, and tell me Bach's voice isn't perfect for the project..  It's all my opinion though..   ;)   I JUST cannot wait to hear the original three '1985' guitar's rippin' and Sorum hammerin on the drums..   :)   :)   :)

"I just try to slam the drums as hard as possible..."

-Matt Sorum

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I think Travis Meeks would be a good choice, because of his creativity and writing ability.  I'm not at all a Days of the New fan by any means, but I think he's still a good musician and could be complimented by the other band mates.  My second choice would be Bach.  Tommy Lee would be an awful choice, and so would C.Love, Cornell, and Roth.   Josh Todd from Buck Cherry would be a great choice, and maybe the best of them all, but it  looks like that won't happen.

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does bach still have his voice?? f*ck yes  he's still got his voice. go get his solo cd ( bring em bach alive ) . it's got 5 new studio tracks and like 12 or so live songs from a show in tokyo. it came out in late 98, it's a good cd. besides, from what i've heard his voice has been awesome on the jesus christ superstar tour.

i think he would be an awesome singer for the project, i just think all the egos would eventually destroy that band . if not sebastian, they should get the dude from buckcherry ( josh todd ) or maybe kelly shaefer from neurotica.

since there's been talk of skid row on here a few times i thought i'd take the time to mention that they have a new single called "thick is the skin " that you can download at www.skidrow.com

the new singer (jonny solinger) is no sebastian, but he's not too bad. i saw them live and they were decent. this new tune isn't too bad either. check it out!

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