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Is Chinese Democracy this generations WTTJ?


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Back in 1987 it was Welcome To The Jungle that more or less brought GNR into the mainstream.  Now Chinese Democracy at least in my eyes has that same fury and energy that Welcome To The Jungle did.

Its kind of ironic if you think about it.  GNR came out with WTTJ and they exploded, and Chinese Democracy eerily reminds me of WTTJ.

Anyone else get that vibe?

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no way... maybe some other song might do the job but chinese democracy can't (and won't) have that influence on the public. btw new gnr is already mainstream. don't you notice all the publicity it gets? and when the album comes out it will be much more mainstream than today.

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Nope. Wish it was. Different attitudes, different messages ...all together different times. Remember our "punk in the street" is now a "gentleman of wealth and taste." Evolution? Relovlution? Disillusion? Grand Illusion? grand delusion? I think well have to let the music to the walking and the talking. When wttj hit the music scene was getting saturated with copycat hairbands...kinda like the copycat gutgrowl nu-metal forces today. Grunge was still confined to Seatlle, hip-hop and rap was just ghetto music that the inner city black boys did. wwtj was like the last gasp of guitar hard rock. in the great traditions of Aerosmith and RollingStones mixed in with some punk riffs and attitude. My bet is this album will resemble Queens approach to album making. Thier albums were all over the place genre wise but remained true to a "sound."

Freddy was an eccentric like Axl is and felt totally comfortable  switching from rockers to ballads and back again.....if you haven't listened to any Queen do so... Brian May , the guitarist for Queen will be on Chinese democracy or one of the subsequent releases.

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I dissagree first single will be catcher in the rye

           How come You think CITR will be the first single , just curious  ??? , BTW remeber it was actually SCOM that helped turn people on to GNR which in effect made WTTJ a hit ( Hell , the video for WTTJ was always on so late that hardly anyone would really see it ) but anyway I do think that CD could be that song because of the sound , attitude , and the vibe besides it is a lot different than many other songs out there now just like Jungle was in 87 .

 Peace GnR Nation  8)

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well i think the thing with WTTJ is it was different. I mean the opening riffs of wttj are likely to be most people's first experience of GNR, whether it be becuase it was their first single, or whether it be the first song on AFD. Its just sets the tone for GNR. It was so raw and heavy, and that was a standout out of the fruity pop rock of the time.

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