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actually yes, i have said several things positive about the old band... I have said many times I would prefer the old guys... I truly dig the original GnR... but, it is not meant for them to play together at this point in time.  Being a huge GnR/Axl fan, I am embracing the new band and giving them a fair/equal shot at doing somthing great and bringing me some musical joy I have missed for some time now... These bands today just don't do it for me... I do enjoy the Foo Fighters, but nothing compared to the Old GnR.  You may not understand where I am coming from, maybe i do not understand where you are coming from... But it just seems you have so much animosity towards the new guys one post... then the next you say how much you love them... then you say they are nothing compared to the old guys.. yet we have yet to see an album to make a fair comparison.  All i am saying is lay off the new GnR bashing, Axl isn't out to screw anyone by putting out a crappy record... He has been working hard on this, for the fans.. .Yes it's taken a long time, yes he is a control freak yes some of the old band members got a raw deal, but they were to blame just as much as Axl.  Anyway, the new GnR is going to rock.. I am done comparing/discussing/fighting about who is better... I don't care who is better... Axl sounds great with both of them.  Again, it would be awesome if they could get back together with the old peeps, and if they had the same chemestry and could put out a rockin album.. but this is never going to happen. So, I am just going to take what i can get.. And that's the new GnR baby!

Guns n Fuck!n Roses forever!    (no matter who is in it)  


but you see thats the thing.. I cant wait for this album. I want to see the new GNR. I am embracing it. Its just that I am still able to criticise. We are still able to discuss these burnign questions. (i.e. whose better bh or slash) and all those sorts of things. After all whats a forum for!

But the biggest misconception you have made is that i hate the new GNR. I dont. There is a big difference between criticism and bashing. And thats the thing. Mbe my messages do seem here and there, but thats only as a reuslt of mis-interpretation.

For the sake of you and others who think i am all over the place, this is a short summary of my thoughts ont he band:

1 - fully supportive of the new band

2 - the new band has very good musicians in it

3 - axl rose is the best singer / frontman ever

4 - i support anythign axl does

5 - i dont like what axl has done to the old band

6 - i like the new guys but the old band is better             musically

7 -  I will be supporting "the project" equally as GNR

8 - the image of the new GNR isn't as i would like it (i.e bh)

9 - The new songs are all good, however i do miss the rawness and the extended solo's from the old band

Thats a short summary of where im at. I dont bash anybody int he new band. I just merely have preferences and make criticisms.


well i think that guns n roses will always be the old guys in a sense, but this is a band masqueading around as GNR, so we may as well support wheher we truly believe in it or not..

I always say its better than nothing.....

Well it's still the original GNR for me all the way man!  They are the only one's who ever will be Guns N' Roses.  I only like to keep up and hear about what Axl's doing.  I wanna hear Axl's new music, but there really only ever will be one Guns N' Roses

    I'm in 100% agreement with you Nathan  ;D  The original will always be the only GnR but I am excited to hear Axl's new music and I have great respect for his musicans because they are all great player and indvidully accomplished a lot  .

   Peace GnR Nation  8)

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